Monday, March 13, 2017

Monday Morning Memo: The Rest of the Story

If you are familiar with the late Paul Harvey, he used to share little known or forgotten facts on a variety of subjects with some key element of the story held back until the end. He would then end his broadcasts with the tag line "And now you know the rest of the story."

That’s similar to what I’m doing in my post today because I’m sharing with you the rest of the story.  On December 6th, 2016, I shared with you a blog post entitled, God’s “To-Do” List.  It began with these words:

He said “No”.  I don’t always handle that well.  I kept praying and praying…hoping I could get Him to change His mind.  But every time His answer was “No”.

I had been contacted to see if I would serve on a team in the spring for a women’s retreat.  I love doing things like that, so when the phone call came my immediate answer was YES…but then I followed my response with the words I knew I better say, “But let me pray about it before I give you my final answer.” 

That’s when I began hearing the Lord’s answer and I didn’t like it.  I kept reminding Him that it was something religious I wanted to do so I couldn’t understand why in the world He wouldn’t let me participate.  It wasn’t like I wanted to spend a weekend bar hopping or gambling my money away.  I would do my best to serve Him with whatever job I was given during those days and do it for His glory.  But no amount of conniving or trying to make deals with the Lord made a difference.  His answer was still “No”.

I reluctantly called the woman back and told her that I couldn’t serve because the Lord said no.  I didn’t know why but I have learned from experience that the disappointment of having to say no is easier to handle than not following His will for my life.  The woman was very understanding and agreed that I needed to listen to the Lord’s response.

Fast forward to today.  The retreat in which I was asked to serve will take place this coming weekend.   In the past few weeks, I have been struggling with a bad sinus infection.  My mother-in-law, who I take to all of her appointments, is dealing with a painful foot so we will have an additional doctor appointment this week on Thursday along with her six-hour treatment for her cancer on Friday.

Then this past Wednesday evening I received a call that my father, who will be 90 next month, had fallen and was being taken to the ER by my brother.  They found that he had broken his femur and had to have surgery on Thursday to have three screws put in to stabilize the bone.  He has been in the hospital ever since and is still there today.

As I was driving home from the hospital this past Saturday evening, my mind went back to what I had written in December.  I had no clue what all would be going on at this point in my life…but God did.  Nothing that is happening has been a surprise to Him.  He knew in December that in March, I would have other responsibilities that would be taking my time and that adding the retreat to my schedule would have added additional stress.  In other words…God knew the rest of the story.

He said “No” in December so that I could say “Yes” in March to our parents and help them in their time of need.  He said “No” because He loves me enough to want the very best for me.  He said “No” because He is all-knowing and already knew the details of these days.

I have to shake my head when I think of the times in my life when I have questioned God’s “No’s”.  Not once has He ever given me a “No” by mistake or as a way to cause me harm.  Every “No” has been what is best for me at that time and for the days ahead.  How amazing it is to know that my heavenly Father loves me that much to tell me “No” for my own good.

Are you upset today because God is telling you “No”?  Please learn from my mistakes and just accept His answer knowing that, beyond a shadow of a doubt, it is in your best interest.  God always knows the rest of the story and His “No” just might lead you to a much better “Yes” in the days to come! 


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