Monday, October 30, 2017

Monday Morning Memo: Choosing Peace Part III

We are in our third week of looking at having peace no matter what chaos is swirling around us.  I began thinking about this in a more in depth manner as I read the book, Calming The Storm Within: How to Find Peace In This Chaotic World by Jim Lange.  This book spoke to me in so many ways, and I hope something I share with you from it will help your search to have peace no matter what chaos is swirling around you.

The first week we learned from Mr. Lange’s statement, “Chaos is a part of life that cannot be avoided.  We need to actually embrace the chaos because God allows it for our own good.”  Last week we looked at his words, “Any lack of peace that I experience is simply because I am focusing on my issues and me rather than on Jesus.”

This week I want to look at what often keeps us from embracing the chaos and focusing on Jesus.  From what I have observed, many people lack peace because of one central question that they keep asking as they are experiencing hard times.  Over and over again, many keep asking, “Why is this happening to me?”  Of course the question becomes personalized depending on the current type of turmoil.  “Why am I having to suffer physically?”  Why am I stuck in this lousy job, where no one recognizes my potential?”  “Why do I have a spouse and/or child who doesn’t love me the way I think I should be loved?”  And I could go on and on.

Mr Lange addressed this in his book.  He said he has also observed this in others who have faced major difficulties in their lives.  He said that some of them acted as if their lives were over.  They fretted and complained about the horrible hand that was dealt to them.  In other words, they were super focused on what was happening TO them, which kept them stuck in the muck and mire.

He went on to say that he had also observed some who seemed to be blessed in the midst of their difficult circumstances.  With these people, their tough situations proved to be the catalyst for something great in their lives.  He said, “The one thing in common with each of the people in this group was that, at some point along the way, their thinking changed.  They shifted from thoughts of Why is the happening TO me? To What is God doing FOR me?  They each recognized that God was working on their behalf, even though in the natural it didn’t seem like it at all.  They became dead to themselves in their circumstances.  Some of these, probably the more spiritually mature, went to this place quickly in the midst of their trial.  Others may have taken a bit longer.  But, they each got there and God was able to turn their lemons into lemonade.”

I think many of us would have a lot more peace if instead of immediately asking, Why me? We would ask Why NOT me?  Why in the world should we be free of trials and chaos in our lives?  We read in John 16:33, “I have told you all this so that you may have peace in me.  Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows.  But take heart, because I have over come the world.”  Christ told us that we would have difficult situations in our lives but He also told us that we should have peace.  Why?  Because He is greater than anything this world can throw at us!

So instead of fretting, fuming, whining and feeling sorry for ourselves, what if we looked at our current situation and thanked the Lord for it.  What if we realized that He has us in our current surroundings for a reason and that through our chaos, He will be able to change us and mold us to look more like Him.  What if we asked Him to reveal what He is trying to teach us and then ask Him to help us act appropriately to His plan.  I’m guessing if we did this, we just might have more peace.

Today marks five weeks since my surgery and I’m still at home recovering.  I’m stronger than I was after surgery, but I still have a long way to go.  To be honest, I am a work in progress in thanking the Lord for my current circumstances.  Some days I feel like I’m pretty successful at it and others days I’ve failed miserably.  But He has been showing me these past few days the positives of this time at home and He has been speaking to me in gentle whispers.  I am feeling His presence like I haven’t felt in a very long time.  Maybe, just maybe, this time of stillness has been so that I could feel His breath in my ears and His Spirit in my soul.

Are you asking “Why me?” today?  I want to urge you to change that question to “Why NOT me” and then try thanking the Lord for what you are experiencing.  Ask Him then to reveal to you His plan in gentle whispers.  I believe you will begin to feel peace as His presence is felt in a powerful way and His Spirit fills your soul.  Give it a try.  What do you have to lose?

By the way, I just want to remind you that my 10% off + free shipping sale of my 90 day devotional, Ask Me About My Jesus, ends tomorrow!  If you would like to take advantage of this sale and have an autographed copy sent to you, e-mail me at and let me know your address and how many books you would like.  Many have been purchasing multiple books as Christmas gifts and I have even autographed each of their books to specific people.  Cost of the book is $15.35 ($14.35 + $1.00 tax) and payment can be made by cash, check or PayPal (please choose Friends & Family option).

As I’ve shared before, my prayer has been that this book will have an impact on eternity.  Time is of the essence, and it is time we let others know how much our Jesus means to us!

Monday, October 23, 2017

Monday Morning Memo: Choosing Peace Part II

As I shared with you last week, during my time of recovery I have come across the book, Calming The Storm Within: How to Find Peace In This Chaotic World by Jim Lange.  This book spoke to me in so many ways, and I hope something I share with you from it will help your search to have peace no matter what chaos is swirling around you.

One of Mr. Lange’s statements that jumped out at me was this: 

Peace is something provided to us by God 
(which we need to both seek and receive)
that enables us to have tranquility, or be okay on the inside,
regardless of our circumstances.”

While I know in my mind that these words are true, it seems like it is much harder to “act out” than it is to just agree with it.  I know that God does provide peace for us, but where I struggle is accepting His peace when I am in a place in my life where I don’t want to be. 

As I wrote last week, His peace is always there but it is our choice whether we are going to accept it or not.  It’s easy to choose peace when life is running smoothly and all of our ducks are in a row.  But when we are thrown a curve ball and we are suddenly on a detour that we didn’t plan, it seems to be so much harder to choose His peace.  As I was contemplating as to why I struggle with this, the author hit me between the eyes with these words:

“Peace isn’t stolen from us – we choose to give it up when
we refuse to give up control or when we take our eyes off Jesus.”

Refusing to give up control.  Ouch.  That hurt.  Anyone that knows me probably would agree that I can easily be a control freak.  I’m pretty particular and I like things to be done and go in the way I think they should happen.  So when things in my life go haywire, I often tend to just tighten my grip on what is swirling around me.  As I read, I realized that when I do that, I am refusing to give up control because I think I can handle things better.  It is at those times when I am taking my eyes off of Jesus and putting them on myself, and nothing good ever comes from doing that.

Mr. Lange then summed it up with this one powerful statement:

“Any lack of peace that I experience is simply because
I am focusing on my issues and me rather than on Jesus.”

So, so true.  If I can fully comprehend this truth and remember it every time I feel my stomach going into knots, hopefully I will stop wherever I am and whatever I am doing and choose His peace.  It’s always there for me…always available…but it’s up to me to put my eyes on my Jesus and accept the peace He is offering.

How about you?  Are you living in chaos right now?  If so, to whom are you focusing your eyes on?  If they are on you…I doubt you have peace and you need to remember, just like I do, that you are making the choice not to have peace.  It’s always there for you…always available…but you have to be willing to turn your eyes on your Jesus and choose to have the peace He so longs to give you!

I keep my eyes always on the Lord.
With him at my right hand, I will not be shaken.

Psalm 16:8

Monday, October 16, 2017

Monday Morning Memo: Choosing Peace Part I

Have you ever heard the expression, the “tyranny of the urgent”?  It came from a little booklet written in 1967 by Charles Hummel and it quickly became a classic.  He argued that we often have a choice between things that are urgent and things that are important – and far too often, the urgent wins.  In other words, we often spend our days doing whatever is yelling at us the loudest, even if those things aren’t what are most important.  We run ourselves ragged day after day with our stomachs tied in knots, just trying to silence the noise. 

As a result, we often end our day frustrated, exhausted and discouraged. Our nerves are on edge and we lash out at those whom we love the most.  And peace?  Well, unfortunately many of us haven’t felt peace in a very long time or even thought it was possible, because most people around us are absorbed in the same rat race that we are.

I knew this had become the “normal” in our society, but it has become much more evident to me since my life came to a screeching halt three weeks ago today when I had my surgery.  Since then I haven’t been able to do much of anything, so it has allowed me to pay more attention to the world around me.  One simple way to do this has been to take some time to read posts on Facebook, to see the insane schedules that some attempt to keep week after week.  Flip on the news and it takes just about a nanosecond to be reminded of the chaotic world we live in with people going every which way, trying to keep their head above water.

During this time, I don’t think it was a coincidence that I came across the book, Calming The Storm Within: How to Find Peace In This Chaotic World by Jim Lange.  Mr. Lange caught my attention when he stated, “Chaos is a part of life that cannot be avoided.  We need to actually embrace the chaos because God allows it for our own good.”   He followed this with this prayer, “Heavenly Father, thank You for loving me so much that You would allow chaos and trouble in my life.  You know what I need and You know that staying in my comfort zone is not good for me.  Help me to remember this the next time I face chaos and to be thankful in the midst of the storm.  Help me to see it from Your vantage point so that I can choose peace in the midst of it and I can be looking for You during the turmoil.  Amen.”

Did you catch what it said in this prayer?  This prayer asks our Lord to help us see the chaos from His vantage point so that we can choose peace.  Whether our schedule is way over-packed or fairly empty because we are suddenly forced to go through a long time of recovery, we can choose to have peace. 

In the next few weeks, I plan to share with you some of the highlights that I am learning from this book, along with what the Lord is teaching me on this subject, as I am required to lay low.  I know I have a lot to learn about this and hopefully what I share will also be of help to you.

I also want to remind you that I do have my new 90-day devotional, Ask Me About My Jesus, in my possession!  The official release of my book won’t be for a few more weeks, so I’ve decided to have a “God’s Timing is Perfect” 10% off sale + free shipping until October 31st!  It is currently available through Amazon in paperback for the retail price of $15.95, and in a few weeks it will be available in e-book format.  But this sale will just pertain to the books that I have in my possession.

If you would like an autographed copy of my book now, please e-mail me at   Price for each book will be $15.35 ($14.35 + $1.00 tax).   I will need to know your address and how many books you would like.  You may pay by cash, check or PayPal.

If you want to get some of your Christmas shopping out of the way, this book would make a great gift!  I will even autograph your books to specific people if you would like.

As we begin a new week, let’s begin praying that the Lord will begin to let us see the chaos around us from His vantage point so that we can begin to choose peace.  Remember, the world is watching us to see how we react to life’s pressures and maybe, just maybe, if they see us choosing peace, they will want to hear about our Jesus!

And let the peace that comes from Christ rule in your hearts.
For as members of one body you are called to live in peace.
And always be thankful.”

Colossians 3:15

Monday, October 9, 2017

Monday Morning Memo: Perfect Timing

Today marks two weeks since my back surgery.  What the surgeon thought would be a rather “simple” back fusion, turned out to be much more involved.  The disc that they thought had just slipped forward was actually completely loose – not attached to anything – and moving all around.  On top of that, my spine was bent the opposite way it is supposed to be.  So he had to straighten out my spine and insert a cage to stabilize everything.

I am so thankful that I was in the hands of a very skilled neurosurgeon and even more importantly, in the hands of my Heavenly Father.  When we found out what could have happened with the loose disc, we knew that the Lord had arranged to have my surgery moved up a week for a reason.  Everything was done in His timing and for my good. 

Since this was my fifth back surgery, we know from experience that my recoveries always take longer than most.  But since more had to be done than expected, we were informed my recovery would take longer than even my “normal”.  We have no idea how long it will take, but fortunately the Lord does, and I’m confident He will be with us every single day.

Just as the Lord knew that my surgery needed to be moved up, He also knew I would need some encouragement after I returned home.  Lo and behold…my new book showed up at my door!  I knew the books were being printed but I didn’t expect them for a couple more weeks so having them arrive early was a real blessing.

This book is a result of the fact that we are living in a very chaotic world where it seems like everything is coming unhinged.  People are scared.  People are searching for answers.  People need to know that we care.

I wrote this 90-day devotional, Ask Me About My Jesus, to help all of us take ownership of our relationship with Jesus. This book project has been bathed in prayer, not just by me, but also by others across the country.  We have been praying for not only the reader, but also for those with whom the reader will come in contact.  As I said, we are living in a chaotic world, and there are so many who have questions that we hold the answers to.  Our prayer has been that this book will help prepare us and give us the courage to share about our Jesus with those who are lost.   As a result, our willingness to share will have an integral part in making sure those in our path will spend eternity with our Lord.

The official release of my book won’t be for a few more weeks, but I’ve decided to have a “God’s Timing is Perfect” 10% off + free shipping sale starting now and running until October 31st!  It is currently available through Amazon in paperback for the retail price of $15.95, and in a few weeks it will be available in e-book format.  But this sale will just pertain to the books that I have in my possession.

If you would like an autographed copy of my book now, please e-mail me at   Price for each book will be $15.35 ($14.35 + $1.00 tax).  I will need to know your address, how many books you would like and who you want each book autographed to.  If you live in my area, maybe we can make arrangements for you to pick them up or have them delivered to you.

If you want to get some of your Christmas shopping out of the way, this book would make a great gift!  But remember, this sale is only until October 31st!

God’s timing is always perfect so I know that this time of recovery for me is in His perfect plan and the arrival of my book is at just the right time also.  Would you please join me in prayer that He will use this time to let others know about our Jesus and as a result, have a greater impact on eternity!

Come, let us tell of the Lord’s greatness;
    let us exalt his name together.

Psalm 34:3