Monday, September 10, 2018

Monday Morning Memo: Cheerleaders Needed!

We have had some exciting weeks in our family. Every family has events and milestones that are celebrated…but there are certain occurrences that really rank high enough to cause some heavy-duty rejoicing. What has happened?  Two of our grandchildren have been experiencing the life-altering experience of potty training J

Now for the parents of these precious children, I’m doubtful that the word “exciting” has been used very often during this time of training.  But to their grandma…this is such a fun time. I was working in the kitchen one day when my phone rang and I saw that my daughter was face-timing me.  As I accepted the call, all I saw on the screen was the face of my two-year-old grandson, Ezekiel, and he was grinning from ear to ear.  Without saying a word, he backed up so I could see what was causing his huge smile.  He was wearing big-boy underwear.  If you heard yelling and clapping from my area of the state, it was because this grandma was so proud!  I showered him with praises and told him what a grown up boy he is.

Within just a few weeks, my phone rang and I saw that my daughter-in-law was face-timing me.  As I clicked into the call, there was my two-year-old granddaughter, Emma, smiling from ear to ear.  As soon as she saw me, she said, “Grandma…I pooped on the potty!”  Oh what a time of celebration we had!  I showered her with praises and I told her what a grown up girl she is.

I love these times when I can pour love and self-worth into my grandchildren.  I want them to know that their grandma and grandpa care about every area of their lives and that we are here to be their cheerleaders.

How different it would be if they would call to share their accomplishments, and my answer would be, “Well it’s about time. I mean, for pete’s sake, other kids have been trained for quite some time by now.  What took you so long?  I thought you were calling to tell me something more important than the fact that you are wearing Paw Patrol or Elmo underwear.”

I hope I never do or say anything of that nature to them.  But yet, how often do I say something similar to those who are new believers?  For some reason, I often expect those who are young in their walk with Jesus to just suddenly be changed and not still holding on to their past.  Oh, I may not always say it to their face, but I shake my head when I see them reverting back to their old ways, wondering how long it will take for them to learn. Instead of coming alongside them, being their cheerleader and helping them celebrate each new milestone as a new child of our Jesus, I just expect them to be immediately matured in their faith. No wonder many often get so discouraged that they give up.  

I’m guessing there are many of us who need a good lesson in cheerleading.  The dictionary says that a cheerleader is a supporter and an uncritical enthusiast. Oh how wonderful it would be if we would all learn to be loving supporters and uncritical enthusiasts of those who are new on their walk…striving to look like our Jesus. Maybe if we look more like our Jesus as we help them, they will be encouraged to continue on.  Oh what a time of celebration we will have as we all mature together!  

“So let’s agree to use all our energy in getting along with each other. Help others with encouraging words; don’t drag them down by finding fault. You’re certainly not going to permit an argument over what is served or not served at supper to wreck God’s work among you, are you? I said it before and I’ll say it again: All food is good, but it can turn bad if you use it badly, if you use it to trip others up and send them sprawling. When you sit down to a meal, your primary concern should not be to feed your own face but to share the life of Jesus. So be sensitive and courteous to the others who are eating. Don’t eat or say or do things that might interfere with the free exchange of love.”

Romans 14:19-21 The Message

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