Monday, September 24, 2018

Monday Morning Memo: Am I Willing?

This will be another life changing week for our family, as we will welcome our fourth grandchild into the world.  Our daughter, Megan, will give birth to their third son and we can hardly wait.  

To me, it seems like Megan’s pregnancy has gone by quickly…but then I haven’t been the one carrying the baby!  She has been the one to go through all of the physical changes as this precious little one has grown and developed these past nine months. She has been the one to deal with the morning sickness, the tiredness, the frequent trips to the bathroom and the punches and kicks under her ribs.  She has been the one to, in many ways, sacrifice her body for these past months to enable their son to have life.

I can remember the times when I would get discouraged during my pregnancies and my mom would say to me, “LuAnn, it will all be worth it when you hold your baby in your arms.”  She wanted me to stay focused, to remember why I was willing to sacrifice my comfort, so that someone else could have life.   

This makes me think of all of those who serve in our military.  They too realize when they enlist, that they will have to sacrifice their comfort for a time. They have to be willing to put themselves in harm’s way, sometimes giving their life as a sacrifice, to allow us to live in freedom. They have to stay focused and remember that their unselfish giving is so that others, such as us, can have life.

All of this led me to think about the word “sacrifice” this past weekend.  What am I willing to sacrifice in my life, so that others might have life in Christ? Am I willing to be uncomfortable? Am I willing to suffer if it means that others will experience His amazing grace?  Am I willing to give my all?

I have to be honest, I prove by my actions that my answer isn’t always “Yes” to these questions.  Unfortunately, I’m not always willing.  I sometimes choose my physical comfort over concern for those who need my Jesus.  I’m not always willing to sacrifice anything that may end up causing me pain…even when I know someone else’s eternal destiny is at risk.  Ouch.  That’s hard to admit.  Sometimes I’m just not willing.

Jesus is working on me to be more prepared to do whatever it takes to impact eternity…even if it makes me uncomfortable or causes me pain.  I want to get to the place where, when I hear the word sacrifice, I don’t cringe. Instead, I want to be the one who steps up and offers my life to be used to bring Him more glory and to increase the numbers in heaven.

I can almost hear my mom, who is already experiencing eternity with her Jesus, saying to me, “LuAnn it will all be worth it when those you sacrifice for join you in eternity with your Jesus!”  She would tell me to stay focused, to be willing to give my all so that others can find life.

It all comes down to the simple question, “Am I willing?”     Are you?

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