Monday, January 28, 2019

Monday Morning Memo: Reporting for Duty (Again!)

As many of you know, the season we are currently experiencing…is not my favorite.  I live in Indiana, so I know that more than likely winter will be long, cold and snowy and I like none of those things.  So, while I try really hard to not complain…I often fail and I find myself whining and complaining not just to anyone that will listen…but even griping to my Jesus.

I mean, for pete’s sake…He was the one that turned the water into wine.  He is the one who raised Lazarus from the dead.  He is the one who separated the Red Sea so that the Israelites could cross on dry ground.  Surely, if He could do all those things and more…He could make the weather be more to my liking this time of year.  They are calling for our highs for this week to be in the negative numbers…surely this is an oversight on the Lord’s part!

We can laugh at that…but if I’m honest…I expect my Jesus to do all kinds of things to make my life more comfortable.  I don’t know about you, but I don’t like being uncomfortable.  I don’t like any form of suffering.  I don’t like it when I have to do things that push me way out of my comfort zone and so it is easy for me to find myself telling Jesus what He needs to do to make me feel better.

This past week, during one of my grumbling sessions, I came across a devotional I wrote four years ago.  Obviously, Jesus was dealing with me on this issue then too and what a wakeup call to realize that all this time later, I’m still in the learning process.  This is what I wrote then:

Do you know that moment when you read something and you feel like God put the words there just for you? It’s not so bad when what you are reading gives you a warm fuzzy feeling; but it isn’t near as much fun when the words slap you right between the eyes.

This is what happened to me this past week.  The words? A quote from Corrie Ten Boom: “Don’t bother to give God instructions; just report for duty.”  Oh man…did I have to read that?  Why couldn’t I have read the verse, “Thou shalt not steal”?  I don’t ever struggle with wanting to steal. Or why couldn’t God have impressed on me the saying, “Stressed spelled backwards is desserts”?  Now THERE is something to make me feel good and celebrate!

No, He led me to read something that made me squirm, because if I reflect on some of my recent prayers, they have sounded more like a to-do list for God, instead of seeking His direction. Why do I do that?  Why is it so easy to fall into the trap of telling Him what I think He should do?

I know He wants me to pour out my heart to Him.  I know He loves to hear my desires and my dreams; but the problem arises when I am more concerned with what I want than what He wants.  When my today and my tomorrow is spent instructing Him to do what would make me happy…there is a problem.  The reason is that what I think will make me happy, may not be good for me at all.  What I think should happen in the lives of my loved ones, may not be beneficial to them in the long run.  He can see my tomorrows and the tomorrows of my family and friends and so it is in Him that I need to put my faith and trust.

As I have reflected on some of my recent conversations with God, I have realized that many of my sentences began with, “Lord, please do…..”, or “Lord, I need you to…” or “Father, they need you to…”  I’m beginning to think that maybe my prayer time might be more productive if more of my sentences consisted of, “Lord, open my mind to what you have to say”, and “Father, work your way and Your will in my life and in the lives of my family”. In doing this, I am giving Him free reign to do with me what He sees best.

Scary?  You bet it is; especially for a control freak like me. But I can’t think of anyone in this world that I would rather trust with my today and my tomorrow than the One who created me.  So my plan this week is to enter into His presence, bow down at His throne and just say the words, “Father, I’m reporting for duty.  Lead me where you want me to go.”

So here I am…four years later…still needing to be reminded that I should be willing to report for duty no matter where I am or regardless of the temperatures outside.   “Lord help me…chattering teeth and all…to trust you enough to go and do whatever you ask of me, instead of sharing my to-do list with you today.” 

“Lead me by your truth and teach me,  
 for you are the God who saves me.    
All day long I put my hope in you.”
                                                  Psalm 25:5 (NLT)

Monday, January 21, 2019

Monday Morning Memo: Praise God!

Well, this past week has brought on a range of emotions.  A week ago yesterday, my 91 year old father took his last breath on earth…and his first breath in Heaven.  I am so thankful that I was able to be with him in his final moments.  

So many things ran through my mind after he passed away.  I felt relief…because he wasn’t suffering anymore.  I felt joy…because I knew he was receiving his eternal reward.  I felt sadness…because I would no longer see him here on this earth.  I felt jealous…because I knew he was probably hugging my mom…and oh how I miss her.

So many feelings to digest and deal with throughout the week as arrangements were made for his viewing and funeral.  My parents had made it much easier on us since they had prearranged their funerals and my dad had even listed exactly what he wanted for his service.  He was always a man who did his work with excellence and that was even apparent as he made known his final wishes.

As we greeted those who were so kind to come and offer their condolences, the theme was the same.  Over and over again we heard that as a result of Dad’s ministry…many had accepted Christ as their Lord and Savior.  Because of Dad’s ministry…marriages were saved.  Because of Dad’s ministry…some had become pastors and missionaries. Because of Dad’s ministry…many were serving their Jesus in their daily walk.  Dad had probably one of the greatest ministries that I have ever known. The churches he ministered in grew in number and in converts and many lives were changed.

At this point in this post, you may be thinking that my dad was perfect.  He was not.  He had issues and quirks that sometimes drove me crazy.  He and I butted heads different times because we didn’t see eye-to-eye on things and of course, I was usually right J  But, he would have probably disagreed with that!

But do you know what?  Even though my dad wasn’t perfect…God used him in a mighty way for His Kingdom.  He was able to take an imperfect child of His to reach so many.  My dad didn’t have to become perfect to be a vessel that God could use to bring Him glory…he just had to be willing.

That, my friend, gives me hope.  It is so easy for me to get bogged down with all of my issues and quirks and when Satan tells me that I’m not worthy to be God’s vessel…I believe him.  I take my eyes off of my Savior and put them on myself and that’s when all my imperfections just seem insurmountable and I want to give up.

Praise God…He doesn’t require perfection.  Praise God…He has a plan to use my short-comings for His glory.  Praise God…He loves me just the way I am…with all my faults and failures.  Praise God…He is able to do far more with and through me than I can even imagine. Praise God…that I was raised in a Christian home by imperfect parents who were willing to allow God to use them. 

Dad and Mom…until we meet again someday on the streets of gold…may I follow in your footsteps, allowing God to work in a mighty way in and through me for His Kingdom.  

Praise God!

“If anyone speaks, they should do so as one who speaks the very words of God.  If anyone serves, they should do so with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ. To him be the glory and the power for ever and ever. Amen.

1 Peter 4:11

Monday, January 14, 2019

Monday Morning Memo: Excuses Part 2

I shared with you last week that the Lord has been working in me.  He’s been trying to get me to completely trust and obey Him without giving Him a list of excuses as to why I can’t do what He wants me to do. 

As I wrote last Monday, I had been asked to fill the pulpit for a pastor on December 30th, and I immediately had a list of excuses why I couldn’t do this.  But the Lord gently let me know that my excuses were lame and that He had the power to help me accept this invitation.

I felt really good about this opportunity…until 24 hours before I was to preach. Saturday morning, I woke up and started sneezing before I ever even got out of bed.  As the day went on, I felt worse and worse.  By evening…I really didn’t feel good at all.  I was sneezing, coughing, had a sore throat and my chest was hurting.  I just felt lousy overall.

I went to bed early and all I could think about was the fact that to preach, I was going to need my voice.  On top of that, I not only needed my voice, but I needed to be able to speak without coughing my head off.  I just had no idea how in the world I was going to be able to share with this congregation the next day.

“Coincidently”, I was reading a book that day that I had asked for at Christmas called, Faith Like Potatoes.  If you haven’t read this book, I highly recommend it.  It is the true story of Angus Buchan who was just an ordinary farmer in Africa who needed the Lord.  After he realized that and accepted Christ as his Lord and Savior, his life made a radical change.  His book tells story after story where he had faith that the Lord would provide and work in a mighty way…and He did. 

As I read that day, I was so challenged to do more “stepping out in faith”.  Angus has learned that God has the power to do anything and we just need to put our trust in Him and let Him work!

So as I laid in bed on that Saturday night…I felt the Lord asking me if I had enough faith to trust Him for Sunday morning.  I really sensed that He wanted me to remember that He already knew all the details for Sunday and I needed to claim HIS power to be able to preach.  He had led me to accept this invitation and so He would make sure and see me through.

I woke up Sunday morning still congested and didn’t feel well at all.   As I drove to the church, I just kept telling the Lord that the day was for His glory…not mine…and that I was going to claim His power. I asked Him to give me the strength needed and I didn’t want people to know that I wasn’t feeling well.  I even decided to step out and ask Him to please allow me to get through my sermon without coughing at all.  I was laying it all out…and expecting Him to work.

As I entered the church, I could feel His Spirit at work.  My voice cleared and I had the privilege of meeting many members of the congregation.  I continued to pray and claim His power during the service leading up to my time to speak.

When it was time, I began to share and my voice was strong.  Twice during the sermon, I could feel a little tickle start in my throat, and each time I claimed His power to take the tickle away.  The Lord came through in a mighty way and the first thing my husband said to me when we got in our car was, “You didn’t cough at all!” I felt humbled…blessed…and had a new understanding of God’s power!

I realized after that day, that my word for this year needed to be “POWER”and I needed to claim the verse in I Samuel 12:16, “Now stand here and see the great thing the Lord is about to do!”  I’m guessing that many times I don’t see His power at work because I am in the way. I look at too many trials from my human point of view, instead of claiming His power.

I shared last week that I have been going through a time where my spirit has felt unsettled…not sure what the Lord wants me to do next in my ministry.  I’ve come to the point now where I realize that I just need to keep walking through the open doors that He puts in front of me. I don’t have to worry about anything long-term…just keep following Him and trusting that HE has the power and strength to see me through.

What about you? Are you ready to claim God’s power in your life and instead of making up excuses…put your faith and trust in the One who can move mountains?  I hope so…because I’m excited to see what He has on the horizon for you and for me!

Monday, January 7, 2019

Monday Morning Memo: Excuses

For several months, I have felt unsettled.  This isn’t unusual for me, especially following a surgery; and since I had two surgeries in a ten-month period, it really hasn’t surprised me.  It usually takes so much out of me during recoveries, that I often end up feeling depleted in many ways.

As my strength has started to return these past months, the unsettledness started as I began to seek where the Lord is leading me in my ministry.  Is He going to open up doors for a different area to serve Him…or am I to continue doing what I am doing?  I even asked our small group from church to pray that I would sense His leading and that I would be willing to serve Him in whatever opportunities came my way. 

But when I was sent a message the end of November asking if I would fill the pulpit for a pastor on December 30th, my first thought was to answer “No”.  I immediately had all kinds of excuses go through my mind:

1.     Our daughter would still be visiting from NC, so I wanted to worship with her at our own church.
2.   We were to have several family activities that week prior to that Sunday and I knew I would be tired and wouldn’t have a lot of prep time.
3.    I had not preached since my last surgery, and I just wasn’t sure my mind was in the right place yet to share the Word from the pulpit.

I’m sure you get the idea.  The Lord was opening a door…and I was immediately ready to slam it shut.  

I then thought about how those excuses would sound if I was standing face to face with Jesus.  I’m guessing He might just roll His eyes, maybe shake His head and say, “LuAnn, you’ve been praying for open doors…so I give you one…and you immediately have every excuse why you can’t walk through it.  Don’t you think I can give you the power and strength needed for that day?”

I asked the Lord to forgive me for my excuses and for my lack of trust for His power…and then I answered that “YES” I would be able to help this pastor out.  I immediately began praying for direction as to what I should share with this congregation and I don’t know when I have felt so led by the Holy Spirit.  He guided me every step of the way and I thoroughly enjoyed my time of preparation.

Why am I often so quick to rattle off excuses when the Lord opens a door for me?  Why do I pray for direction, but then when He gives it to me, I don’t trust Him to walk through the door with me?  You know, I often wonder why the Israelites were always second guessing what they were told to do…I’m not sure I’m much better!

There is a second part to this story…and I’ll share that with you next week.  For now, I’m wondering if maybe the Lord is opening a door for you to walk through, but you’re listing every reason you can think of as to why you should slam the door shut.  Believe me, I know where you are, and I just want to urge you to maybe rethink your excuses.  Would you want to list them if you were face to face with your Jesus?  If not, then why not start by telling Him “YES” and then let Him walk with you every step of the way.  I guarantee you that He will never let go of your hand…and who knows…you just might end up enjoying the journey! 

So, let God work his will in you. Yell a loud no to the Devil and watch him scamper. Say a quiet yes to God and he’ll be there in no time. Quit dabbling in sin. Purify your inner life. Quit playing the field. Hit bottom and cry your eyes out. The fun and games are over. Get serious, really serious. Get down on your knees before the Master; it’s the only way you’ll get on your feet.

James 4:7-10 The Message