Monday, March 11, 2019

Monday Morning Memo: Filling Our Minds

I like to read. In fact, I don’t just like to read…I love to read.  I usually have at least two books going at a time, and sometimes three.  While I have lots of books on my Kindle app, I would still much rather have a book in my hands than read one on a screen.  

And, if you’ve ever been in my home, you know I have many, many of those books that can be held.  Not only do I have books I have purchased, but I also was given my Dad’s books when he moved out of his apartment.  Fortunately, we have a room that has had several purposes over the years, but it finally became my library some years ago so most of my books are in one location.

I usually start my day reading the Bible and often end my day devouring a non-fiction, Christian book that will challenge me in my Christian walk.  I have found in doing this, that reading relaxes me.  If I am stressed and I pick up a book…I often feel my body begin to “chill out”.  If I am discouraged, it never ceases to amaze me how God will put just the right words in front of me to minister to my mind and soul.  

The past couple of weeks, I’ve been reading the Max Lucado books that I own.  All of them were written quite a few years ago, but each one has spoken to me in a powerful way.  They have encouraged me, challenged me and have at times, stepped on my toes. Each of these books have impressed on me how important it is that I fill my mind with God’s truths.  Whether it be through prayer, by reading His Word, listening to Christian music, listening to ministers who speak Biblical truths, or through literature…what I choose to fill my mind with, will make a difference. 

Now, while I’m sure you have found it riveting to read about my love for reading J…you may be wondering why I felt the need to share this with you.  We are living in a world that is unhinged most of the time and it is so easy to become depressed, discouraged and feeling like there isn’t any hope.   Because of this, I think it is important for all of us to pay attention to that with which we are filling our minds.  We all want to feel peace and hope, but if we are feeding on a constant diet of news shows, Facebook posts, raunchy books and movies…I’m afraid we will feel more despair than encouragement.  More darkness than light.

If you are struggling with the health of your mind…why not take note of what you are filling it with today.  Is it true? Is it Bible based?  Is it encouraging?  If not…make choices that will uplift you and draw you closer to the One who created you.  He, my friend, wants to fill you to the brim and overflowing with His peace today and in the days to come. 

“Summing it all up, friends, I'd say you'll do best by filling 
your minds and meditating on things true, noble, reputable, authentic, compelling, gracious - the best, not the worst; 
the beautiful, not the ugly; things to praise, not things to curse.
Philippians 4:8

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