Monday, March 4, 2019

Monday Morning Memo: Mind-Talking

I’m embarrassed to admit that it wasn’t the first time this has happened.  You would think that after it occurred the first time, I would have remembered on subsequent occasions…but I haven’t.

I was sitting at my computer the other day becoming more frustrated by the minute.  No matter what I did…I couldn’t get any sound out of it. At first, I thought there was something wrong with the short video clip I was trying to watch, but when I attempted to listen to other videos, I had the same problem…no sound.  I finally thought that there must be a glitch in my computer, so I turned it completely off and then turned it back on…hoping that would solve my problem.  No such luck.

I was about to walk away from my computer since I was getting so frustrated, when I happened to look at my keyboard and I saw the culprit.  Yes, I’m sure many of you have already figured it out…my earbuds were plugged in.  I unplugged them from my computer, and wouldn’t you know it…I had sound.

It was at that point that my mind-talking began. How stupid can I be?  What is wrong with me?  This isn’t the first time I have done this…when will I ever learn?  I bet other people don’t do such stupid things.  Am I even safe to be alone at all?

I know that my “moment of stupidity” wasn’t anything life-shattering…but why do I often let my errors control my mind?  In this situation, I just wasn’t thinking clearly, but I can spend much more time berating myself than I did trying to find out what the problem was.  Then, add a time when I sin, and I can easily fear that God has his naughty and nice list out and I’m for sure getting checked off Heaven’s roster! 

Please hear me when I say that yes, when we sin, we need to go to our Father and ask for forgiveness…but at that point His grace covers us.  He doesn’t keep bringing it up to make us feel bad about ourselves (Satan is doing that) and He doesn’t love us any less.  But I’ve met so many people who are still dwelling on their past and as a result they are stuck in quicksand.  They are unable to move forward and accept God’s forgiveness because they can’t forgive themselves.

If there is something in your past that is controlling you today…hand it over to Jesus and let Him throw it in the deepest sea.  Then, stop the mind-talking and move on!  There isn’t anything you have done that His grace can’t cover.  Trust me.  If he can forgive this absent-minded writer…who falls short so many times and has to ask for forgiveness…I’m confident His grace can cover you too!

And I will forgive their wickedness,
 and I will never again remember their sins.” 

Hebrews 8:12



  1. I needed this today. Thank you

    1. You are most welcome. Praying that the Lord will give you His peace today and in the days to come!
