Monday, June 3, 2019

Monday Morning Memo: Step Out and Stand Back!

Most of my readers will probably not understand the significance of this picture of me on our mower.  There are a few who may…because they know me really well.

Let me explain. When Dan and I married almost 38 years ago, I became a country girl.  I had been raised in the city my entire life…so moving out to the “boonies” (as some of our friends say!)…was something entirely different than I was used to.  But it didn’t take me long to fall in love with having open land all around us.  I soon realized that I loved working outside in our garden and flower beds…and most of all I soon discovered the joy of mowing.

Even with three young ones…I would plan their naps at certain times so I could be out on the mower.  As they grew older and naptimes went by the wayside…they knew that their mom’s mowing time was not to be disturbed.  I remember telling them that I was going out to mow and unless there was blood involved…I was not to be summoned to settle their disagreements.  Mowing was a time for me to pray…sing praise songs to my Jesus…and regain any sanity that I may have lost that day J

So, it was devastating to me when I was told some years ago that my days of mowing were over.  With the diagnosis of my Hypermobility Syndrome and the many surgeries that occurred as a result, I was told that mowing was just too jarring on my body and it had to become a thing of the past.  Many won’t understand this…but I have literally grieved over this life detour.  Not only was mowing taken away…working in our garden and flower beds also became very difficult.  Those things that I love to do were being taken away and I felt deep sadness. 

Fast forward to this past January when I felt Jesus impressing on me that I was to claim the word “Power” this year, along with the verse from I Samuel 12:16, “Now stand here and see the great thing the Lord is about to do!”  He also nudged me to get serious about doing everything I could do to improve my health.  Much of my medical condition is out of my control…but I knew that He was asking me to do what I could do and rely on His power for the rest.

Since January…there have been times when situations have arisen that required me to rely on Jesus’ power and as I have, I have seen Him do amazing things.  I have felt His presence in a new way and He has shown me what can be accomplished when I put my trust entirely in Him and allow Him to work in my life and in the lives of others.  I have ramped up my prayers, stepping out in faith at times, claiming His power to work in mighty ways.

So what does all of this have to do with mowing?  Well, in March, I felt His leading to step out in faith and ask Him to allow me to mow this summer.  I kept sensing these words from Him, “LuAnn, you do your part…and I’ll do mine…and together we will see great things”.  There were days when I felt silly asking for this to happen when I knew there were much more critical issues in this world.  But yet, I just kept sensing that because He loves me so much…He was using this desire of mine to teach me more about His amazing power.

So far this spring, I have mowed twice…with very few ill effects.  In the past, mowing even for a short time would put me in great pain, but this year, I have been able to mow our acreage and still walk afterwards!  I cannot begin to put into words the joy and thankfulness that I have felt as I have been blessed to, once again, enjoy His creation in this way.

Will I continue to be able to mow the rest of the summer?  Only He knows the answer to that…but I am choosing to praise Him for the here and now.  If the time comes when I have to stop mowing again…I will be sad, but I will be so thankful for the time He gave me to enjoy doing something that I love.  

Do you realize how much power Jesus has?  Ephesians 3:20 tells us, “Now all glory to God, who is able, through his mighty power at work within us, to accomplish infinitely more than we might ask or think.”   He wants to work in a mighty way in and through us…and I think so many times He is just waiting for us to ask.   

Do you sense that Jesus is asking you to do something, or ask Him for something, but fear is keeping you from obeying?  I want to urge you to say yes to Him today.  Put your trust in HIS power and then step out in faith that He will do great and mighty things.  Oh, and then stand back, and see the great things the Lord is about to do!

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