Monday, October 28, 2019

Monday Morning Memo: Beauty At Its Finest

Dan and I had the opportunity a few weeks ago, to go to Tennessee and North Carolina for a few days.  We usually make this trip a little earlier in the season and the colorful, fall leaves aren’t too prevalent.  So, I was excited that since we were going a little later this year, we would probably get to see beautiful leaves in all of their glory.

Well, of course that wasn’t the case.  The news kept talking about the fact that since it has been warmer later this year…the leaves were behind schedule.  Naturally…of all years for us to go later and the leaves just weren’t cooperating!

I was struck then as we were driving back home that the closer we got to our area…the more beautiful the leaves were.  I even mentioned to Dan that the colors were much more vibrant in our own state.  We then arrived home and all I had to do was look out our back window…and this is what I saw:

Yep… beauty at its finest.  Right in my own backyard.  

Not seeing fall leaves on our trip wasn’t earth-shattering by any means…but why do we often look in other places for something in life to make us happy…when if we just looked in our own area where God has placed us…we would find beauty.  Oh, if I just had a home like the Jones’…then I would be happy and willing to entertain guests.  Oh, if I just had a husband/wife like she or he has…then my life would be so much better and I could be the spouse I’m meant to be.  Oh, if I was just married…my life would be complete.  Oh, if I was just single…I could be happy again.  Oh, if I just had a better job…one where I am recognized for all of my many talents…then I could show joy to others at my workplace.  Oh, if my kids were just as well-behaved and talented as our neighbor’s kids are…then I would feel like a success and not a failure.

This type of thinking goes along with the saying, “The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence”.  Things oftentimes look so much bigger, brighter, more profitable, more happiness inducing and maybe even more colorful…on the other side.  But if we really knew the truth…we would probably find out that those who are living on the other side…are wishing they lived on our side of the fence!

I wonder…what would happen if we looked for the beauty in our own home and neighborhood?  I wonder…what if we worked on being the spouse that God wants us to be and worked less on trying to change the husband or wife with whom we live?  I wonder…what if…while we waited for God to bring us our life mate…we worked on being the person He wants us to be while we are single?  I wonder…what if we did our absolute best in our job every day…even if it isn’t the dream job like we think everyone else has…but concentrated on being the beautiful, hard-working soul that others need to see right in our own place of employment?  I wonder…what if we spent more time pouring the love of Jesus into our own kids and complementing them on their positive traits instead of comparing them to everyone else’s “perfect” kids?

I wonder.  We might just find out that where God has placed us at this moment…in this job…with or without a spouse…with these kids…is exactly where He wants us to be…showing HIS beauty and love to those who are peering over our side of the fence.  

Today, let’s remember Paul’s words in Philippians 4:11-13 (The Message):

“Actually, I don’t have a sense of needing anything personally. I’ve learned by now to be quite content whatever my circumstances. I’m just as happy with little as with much, with much as with little. I’ve found the recipe for being happy whether full or hungry, hands full or hands empty. Whatever I have, wherever I am, I can make it through anything in the One who makes me who I am.”

Yes, we just might find beauty at its finest…right in our own backyard.

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