Monday, December 16, 2019

Monday Morning Memo: Your Inner Circle

Once again, Dan and I had the privilege last week to work at the Operation Christmas Child processing center in Boone, North Carolina.   This is a trip that we look forward to each year and it always seems like the hours just fly by and before we know it…we are heading back home.

If you have never been on this trip, it is hard to understand what these days are like.  Operation Christmas Child is such a worthy cause and getting the opportunity to work for this ministry just blesses the socks off of a person! It is hard to comprehend that each box we touch is going to end up in the hands of a child who, more than likely, has never received a gift before in his or her life.  We in America can’t fathom that kind of living situation.  These boxes are being sent all over the world…giving children the basics of life…and also telling them about our Jesus.  These boxes can and do impact eternity…what a blessing!

But working at the center, is just one part of the blessing that I receive while we are in Boone.  I also feel so fortunate to work alongside others from our church and our community.  Every year they inspire me to give a little more…work a little harder… and be more intentional to touch the lives of those around me.  I watched this past week while these dear brothers and sisters in Christ gave smiles and a helping hand to those who needed it.  I listened to them thank those who were our “coaches” on each line.  I witnessed them working diligently, giving everything they had, to make sure as many boxes as possible were processed during our shifts.  I heard them offer to pray for a waitress who is going through a rough time and even though she turned them down, they immediately bowed their heads and prayed for her and her dire situation after she walked away.  And, I saw them buy two dozen Krispy Kreme doughnuts and then pass them out to whoever wanted them…just to bless those around them.

I had never met some of the people in our group before we arrived in Boone, but because I could see Jesus in them, they soon felt like family to me.  We had our love for Him in common, and that my friends, makes all the difference in the world.  

Life can be fulfilling…and it can be depressing…and often times who we surround ourselves with can be what makes the difference.  It’s actually been said that quite often, you are the average of the five people with whom you spend the most time.  Proverbs 11:14 in The Message, tells us, ”Without good direction, people lose their way; the more wise counsel you follow, the better your chances.”  In other words, if those in your inner circle are not helping you to be a more devoted follower of Jesus, you may have the wrong influencers around you. 

I want to urge you today to ask yourself the following questions concerning those with whom you spend the most time:

1.      Most importantly, do they long to look more like Jesus?
2.    Are they self-less and want those around them to succeed?
3.    Do they speak life into you and those around them?
4.    Do they pay attention to the “little” things in life (keeping their word, showing up on time, treating others with love, etc)?

I’m not saying that you shouldn’t spend any time with those who don’t meet these criteria, because that isn’t what Christ has called us to do.  But it is so important that your inner circle of friends, those who are closest to you, want you to be the best devoted follower of His that you can be.

I fought tears as I worked the last morning in Boone.  I just kept thanking my Jesus over and over again for giving me the opportunity to serve Him.  I thanked Him for giving me renewed health and strength.  And above all, I thanked Him for blessing me with an inner circle of friends who allow me to see Jesus through them, because they deeply love Him so.  

My prayer is that I can be an “inner circle friend” who exudes Jesus to those around me.  I know He wants me to build up…not tear down…so that others will feel as blessed as I do.

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