Monday, December 28, 2020

Monday Morning Memo: He's Got This!

Well, we have survived the Christmas of 2020.  No, it didn’t look like other Christmases from years past…but nothing could change the main focus…the beautiful babe in Bethlehem.


With Christmas now over, many of us are more than ready to see this year become a thing of the past, but then we have to wonder what 2021 will bring.  None of us could have foreseen what this year would hold and of course, we can’t know for sure what this coming year will look like either.  For some, looking ahead brings great tension, stress and fear and it can easily send them wanting to hibernate because they feel they just can’t face the unknown.


That word “can’t” can easily become a word that infiltrates our vocabulary these days.  I can’tface the unknown…I can’t keep isolating from my friends and family…I can’t keep wearing a mask…I can’t keep working from home…I can’t keep handling my kids virtual learning…I can’t stay in my marriage…I can’t do what Christ is asking me to do…I. just. can’t.


I think it is important for us to remember that whenever we think we can’t do something…we need to ask God if HE can.  You see, if it is something that He wants us to do…He CAN give us whatever it takes to get through.  I believe He wants us to stop dwelling on what we can’t do and start focusing on what He can do through us.  We need to allow Him to use the difficulties that we face for His glory and not use them as our excuse.  We must be willing to live “beyond the limits” of our comfort zone so that God can accomplish great things through us for His glory.

There is a huge problem though…Satan doesn’t like this at all.  He doesn’t want us to accomplish anything for God, especially if it draws others to want Him as their Lord and Savior.  He wants us to remain stagnant…living inside our protective bubble…settling for the status quo.  Unfortunately, it’s really easy for us to want to remain there too.

I have written before that I have a lot of respect for Corrie Ten Boom and the amazing testimony she had throughout her life…even when she was in the worst of circumstances.  When she spoke, her words were so powerful and they are still having a huge impact long after she received her eternal reward.  Corrie was a child of God who wasn’t afraid of pushing herself way beyond her human capabilities, knowing that wherever God led her, He would give her exactly what she needed every step of the way.

I read a quote of hers this past week that was exactly what I needed.  Her timely words were, “When we are powerless to do a thing, it is a great joy that we can come and step inside the ability of Jesus.”  In other words, when Satan is whispering over and over in my ear that I can’t do something. that I am too weak to accomplish a task, I can smile right back at him and yell, “You are right Satan…I can’t…but HE CAN!”

What a difference it makes when we realize Whose abilities and power we can tap into!  There isn’t anything that we will face that is beyond God’s capabilities.  There isn’t any detour on our journey in which He doesn’t know where we will end up.  Nothing surprises Him…nothing makes Him fret…nothing overwhelms Him.  We can be assured that no matter what, His answer to us is, “Don’t worry…I’ve got this!”

Are you living in fear of what you might face tomorrow?  Are you afraid that if you commit to live completely sold out to God in 2021, He will ask you to do things that are way beyond your abilities?  You are right…He probably will…but He already knows when He asks that you can’t do it by yourself, but He knows that He can!  All He needs is your willingness to let Him lead and He will take care of the rest.

Here we go… into another year and I’m guessing there will be times when you and I feel powerless.  Let’s not forget that we have the privilege of “stepping inside the ability of Jesus”.  Just the thought of that gives me chills.  Let’s do this!


By the way…as I’ve done in the past…I will be taking the month of January off from sharing on my blog.  This year I have a couple projects I’m working on, so I will be concentrating on those ministry endeavors for a few weeks.  I plan to resume writing in February…hopefully refreshed and renewed!  Happy New Year!

“God can do anything, you know—far more than you could ever imagine or guess or request in your wildest dreams! He does it not by pushing us around but by working within us, his Spirit deeply and gently within us.”  Ephesians 3:20-21 The Message

“For I can do everything through Christ, who gives me strength.”
Philippians 4:13

Monday, December 21, 2020

Monday Morning Memo: No Greater Gift

Christmas. This word conjures up many different emotions in those we meet. Some approach the day feeling almost giddy...anxious to see what wonderful treasures they will be given. Others enter this week feeling the same way, but their excitement is from what they will be giving...not what they will be receiving. Still others are so sick of seeing signs of Christmas in the stores and through the media since August, they just want this week to be over. 

Then there are those whose pain keeps them from barely noticing the lights, tinsel and presents. I’m afraid there is more of that than normal this year.  Pain from physical illness…pain from losing loved ones to Covid and other illnesses…pain from having to stay home and not be with family and friends and pain from strained or fractured relationships with those whom we love because of mask mandates or election results.   

Unfortunately, those who are hurting this year may never be the same again. They will never embark on this time of year without remembering these difficult days. I am confident that their joy will return because their focus will be on their Savior, but there will always be a part of them that will forever be changed. There is no way they can forget times such as this which have had such a dramatic impact on their life. 

At this point, you may be thinking that I am trying to squelch any Christmas enthusiasm you may have, but I can assure you that is not my intent. I just want you and me to remember that everyone we will meet this week has a different “story”. Each person will be viewing this Christmas through their own personal lens and even though it may not be obvious what they are going through, they may be crying out for someone to care. They may need you and me to be understanding, patient and loving, not trying to make them see Christmas through our eyes but see this special day through God’s eyes. 

God didn’t send His Son to this earth as a baby just so we can have a perfect life. Believe it or not, He didn’t send Him so we can give and receive gifts. He sent His Son so that we can have the opportunity to spend eternity with Him. The familiar verse in John 3:16 tells us, “For God loved the world so much that he gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life.”  If we truly believe this, it should totally change the way we approach Christmas. No longer will our focus be on giving or receiving, but on making sure that everyone, no matter what their “story” is, has the opportunity to believe in Him. Our responsibility is to share...but remember that we will never be heard if we don’t first care. 

It never ceases to amaze me that many, including me, know the reason for the season, but neglect to tell anyone else. We are so caught up in our own agenda that caring about another person’s “story” is just out of the question. Unfortunately, we leave that up to our Pastor because he gets paid to make sure others know the reason why the babe was born in the stable. 

If we knew the cure for cancer, would we tell others? If we knew that a tragedy was going to happen to someone we love, would we warn him or her? Of course we would. Why? Because we would want to make sure they were safe. We would want to make sure they knew of the impending events so they would be ready and could avoid pain and suffering. 

None of us know whom God will put in our path in the coming week; but we do know the reason for the season. Will you join me in making sure our lives impact those on our journey in a powerful, positive way? Let’s care about others enough to learn their story, walk alongside them, and share the reason with them. Our words and actions just may give them the hope they’ve been searching for and will make this Christmas one which will have an eternal impact on their life.  Trust me…it will give them a year they will never forget… not because of pain…but because of great joy in becoming a follower of Christ. Believe me, there is NO greater gift you can give than this! 

Monday, December 14, 2020

Monday Morning Memo: Living Water

Diet Mountain Dew. If you were to come to me and ask what my drink of choice is…that is the answer I would give you.  In fact, I have probably been known to make the statement that I “love” this drink.  Now, before I get a deluge of emails telling me that Diet Mountain Dew is not a healthy choice, you can save your comments.  I already know that bit of information and I don’t drink it every day.  I always have it on Sunday night with my popcorn (yes, that is a tradition at my house) and then on average I have one once or twice during the week.


OK…now that you have been given that exhilarating bit of information about me…you are probably wondering why in the world I decided to divulge that confession with you.  Honestly, I’m not sure.  All I know is that God has been speaking to me this past week as a result of my desire for this drink and the fact that I really look forward to consuming it.  Yep, I know that may sound crazy…but I enjoy the taste so much that when Sunday afternoon comes around…I can hardly wait until the popcorn is popped and the drink is in my hand.  Yes, I lead a wild and crazy life.


Dan and I had the privilege last week to work at the Operation Christmas Child (OCC) processing center in Boone, North Carolina.   OCC is such a worthy cause and getting the opportunity to work for this ministry is honestly one of the highlights of my year. It is hard to comprehend that each box we touch is going to end up in the hands of a child who, more than likely, has never received a gift before in his or her life.  We in America can’t fathom that kind of living situation.  These boxes are being sent all over the world…giving children the basics of life…and also telling them about our Jesus.  These boxes can and do impact eternity…what a blessing!


While we were there, we heard from a young man by the name of Alex Nsengimana.  Alex is a survivor of the Rwandan genocide that took place back in 1994, when almost a million of his countrymen lost their lives. He vividly remembers his uncle and grandmother being brutally killed right in front of his eyes by his own neighbors when he was about six.  As a result, since his mother had already died from HIV/AIDS before the killings, Alex was displaced, running for his life with his brother and sister.  Eventually he landed in an orphanage where he said no one could ever sleep because of the screams from the children as they faced nightmare after nightmare.


Then, OCC boxes arrived and each child in the orphanage received a precious shoebox.  This was the first present Alex had ever received and he said you just can’t imagine the joy he felt as he carefully removed each precious item from his box.  He shared how excited he was with everything he was given…but do you know what his most favorite prized possession was from his box?  A comb.  That’s right…something that we take for granted on a daily basis was what meant the most to him.  He said he carried that comb with him every single day for three years until he lost it and was so upset when it was gone.


A comb.  And I complain if I run out of Diet Mountain Dew.  That may seem like a silly comparison…but it is something I have had running through my mind ever since Alex shared with us.  How many things take precedence in my thoughts throughout the week that really have no importance?  How often do I dwell on what I want…instead of what I can do to fulfill someone else’s necessities of life?  How petty and superficial is my life on a daily basis…when there are those around me who have great needs?


Of course, there is another question I have been asking myself.  How much do I look forward to spending time with my Jesus?  If I can hardly wait to have a can of soda on Sunday nights…how much more should I look forward each day to consume the living water that Jesus has for me?   Do I thirst for Him more than I thirst for my drink?  Again, you may think that’s a strange comparison…but it is a reminder to me that it’s so easy for things of this world…really insignificant things…to creep in and become a priority as I neglect those who will someday face eternity…with or without my Jesus.


Not only did Alex receive a treasured comb that day…he also heard that there was a Savior who loved him more than he could imagine.  As a result, Alex accepted Jesus into his heart, which was a gift he didn’t have to worry about losing. 


Friends, we don’t have to go to Rwanda to find those in need…they are all around us.  Many have physical needs that we can meet, and many have a spiritual longing of which we have the answer.  I have come home from this trip with a renewed desire to do what I can to make a difference in eternity by meeting the needs of those whom Christ puts in my path.  If I can tell others that I “love” a carbonated drink…shouldn’t I be willing to share with them the true and steadfast love of Jesus?  That is my desire.  Will you join me?

“Let me give you a new command: Love one another. In the same way I loved you, you love one another. This is how everyone will recognize that you are my disciples—when they see the love you have for each other.”

John 13:34-35 (The Message)

Monday, December 7, 2020

Monday Morning Memo: "ME-DAY?"

“It’s not about you.”  If that statement sounds familiar, it probably means you have read Rick Warren’s book, The Purpose Driven Life.  It is the very first sentence in chapter 1.  He goes on to say, “The purpose of your life is far greater than your own personal fulfillment, your peace of mind, or even your happiness.  It’s far greater than your family, your career, or even your wildest dreams and ambitions.  If you want to know why you were placed on this planet, you must begin with God.  You were born by his purpose and for his purpose.”

I shared last week the importance of going through each day in December in expectation of Christmas as we celebrate the birth of Jesus.   Unfortunately, of all the holidays that we celebrate, Christmas is probably one of the hardest for many to realize that it’s not about us.  All we have to do is turn on the television, the radio, open up one of the zillions of ads that we are bombarded with and we are told over and over again what WE need.  We need to buy this…we have to have that…we need to make sure and include this on our Christmas list.  We won’t be happy and our life won’t be complete unless the gifts under the tree are exactly what we want.  As a result…there is rarely a mention about celebrating His birth.

I can’t believe that this is what God had in mind when He sent his Son into the world on that night so long ago.  I can’t imagine that His plan was to have his Son born, so that once a year I can be selfish and hope I am showered with gifts.  If that is what His desire was, He wouldn’t have needed to have a baby be born…He could have just started a tradition of a day that we celebrate called “ME-DAY”.

I was thinking the other day about what it would be like if, several weeks before my birthday, my family would come to me and give me lists of what they want me to buy for them to celebrate the day I was born.   What if when my day arrives, they all run in and say, “What did you get me?  Where are my gifts?  What are we going to do to celebrate me?”  I’m guessing I just might be a little hurt.  I’m guessing I might feel somewhat neglected…somewhat disappointed in those who I thought loved me.

I wonder then how Jesus feels when we hand Him our lists of what we want.  When we hound him over and over again, telling Him what He needs to do for us and how He needs to bless us, I wonder if He feels a little hurt.  I wonder if He feels a little neglected…maybe disappointed in us for saying that He means the world to us, but showing something different with our actions.

I think it is time for me to take a step back and realize that Christmas is not about me.  Unfortunately, it’s not about you either.  It is all about Him.  The precious, tiny baby Jesus entered this world because of His great love for us.  He entered this world so that He would grow up to become a very important part of history.  His story is one of truth, hope and love for you and for me.  His life entered this world so that one day He could pay the price for the things we have done wrong.  His life brought us salvation and He was willing to sacrifice everything He had for you and for me.

Doesn’t it make sense then that Christmas, His birthday, should be all about Him?  I happen to think it does.

As we go through the next two and a half weeks leading up to Jesus’ birthday, let’s make a point to ask Him what He wants from us.  Let’s inquire of Jesus of what we can do for Him to celebrate His day.  Let’s do everything we can to show Him, not just with our words but also with our actions, just how much we love Him.  He should be the guest of honor at our celebration so let’s make sure He knows that it IS all about Him!

O come let us adore Him
O come let us adore Him
O come let us adore Him
Christ the Lord!

For He alone is worthy
For He alone is worthy
For He alone is worthy
Christ the Lord!

Monday, November 30, 2020

Monday Morning Memo: A Birthday Celebration!

Thanksgiving is over and tomorrow begins all the craziness that December usually brings.  But of course, it is still 2020…so I’m confident that this December won’t look much like any other we have lived through.


I have confessed before that I have been known to be somewhat of a party pooper at Christmas time.  I’m one of those people who gets so irked that stores have Christmas decorations out in August and September that it makes me not want to put anything out by the time December rolls around.  Call me lazy…but if I do decide to make our home look somewhat like a holiday is on the horizon…I’m usually thinking about all the work it is going to take to put everything away…while I’m still putting it out.

But for some reason, this year has been different.  I actually put our tree up, decorated it AND I did it before Thanksgiving.  I know…call me wild and crazy.  I’m not sure why I did it early…other than I’m hoping I will enjoy December a little more, knowing my decorating is done.  And after the year we have all endured…maybe I just needed some extra beauty at which to look.   


There hasn’t been a lot of beauty this past year, has there?  We have spent the last ten months hearing a daily list of stats…those who tested positive, those who have recovered and unfortunately…those who have not survived.  It has been a daily reminder of what “could” happen to us or to those whom we so dearly love.  


On top of those stats, we have all witnessed friends and family members fighting with each other over masks, size of gatherings and elections.  As a result, I have talked with many who have dealt with depression during these past months…unable to see any light at the end of the tunnel.

Sometimes, thinking positively about anything can become a chore.  But I’m realizing that we have to be intentional in focusing on those things that we know to be true.  For example, I’ve come to comprehend that thinking about an event that was miraculous, spectacular and life changing helps me focus on the truth.  It gives me hope that this babe, who was born in a stable, was part of a plan.  He was born for me and for you.  He was born so that He could die for our sins and He rose again so we can have eternal life with Him.  What an awesome time to celebrate and to share with others that this baby came to give us hope, even when darkness and negativity is all around us.

Will you go through each day in December in expectation of celebrating His birth, or will fear consume your every thought?  I would love to encourage you to keep your eyes focused on the precious babe that was born to give you hope.  Nothing is happening today that surprises Him.  He’s not wringing His hands wondering how we will make it through another day.  The reason for the season is HIM, and hopefully every time you think about His amazing entrance into the world, you will feel your pulse quicken a little bit…excitement will fill your soul…and you will look forward to the birthday celebration of your King!

I came upon the following words from the Mariners Church which spoke to me and expresses exactly how I am feeling.  I hope they will also speak to you as you intentionally turn your eyes towards the babe that was born for you and for me.

“Lord, I pray that Christmas would not sneak up on me this year.  I don’t want to arrive on Christmas morning with only my gifts wrapped and tasks accomplished.  I want a heart that is full and prepared for Your coming.  Help me this season to be active in waiting for You.  Give me eyes to see, ears to hear, and a heart to understand the signs, beauty and the wonder of the One I am waiting for.  This season, give me an awareness of the carols, the cards, and the people around me.  Remind me of the truths of Christmas: with You all things are possible, even when I am like Zechariah and Mary with hearts that don’t understand.  When Your promises seem impossible.  God, remind me once again ‘with God all things are possible.’  This Christmas, fill my heart with the Christmas message.   Don’t let fear, pain and sadness steal Your promises.  I want to celebrate You as a promise-making and promise-keeping God.”

“For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.”

Isaiah 9:6

Monday, November 23, 2020

Monday Morning Memo: Choosing Peace Part V

As we wrap up our look into how we can choose to have peace even when chaos is all around us, I want to go back to one of the points I shared in our second week.   This point, along with all the others I have shared, came from Jim Lange’s book, Calming The Storm Within: How to Find Peace In This Chaotic World. 

In the second week, I shared Lange’s statement: “Any lack of peace that I experience is simply because I am focusing on my issues and me rather than on Jesus.”  This statement has continued to come to mind this past summer as I have asked myself over and over again where my focus is.  I have realized that when my focus is on me, the turmoil around me can easily become blown out of proportion.  When my focus is on me, it’s way too easy for me to start whining and asking, “Why is this happening to me?”  When my focus is on me, I can easily become panicked about my situation and I begin to bring my Jesus down to my size instead of focusing on how big and powerful He is.
I am learning that when my focus is on Him, it is so much easier to feel His presence in my life.  When my focus in on Him, I realize that He is all-powerful and able to handle anything that life throws at me.  When my focus is on Him, it is easier to see the chaos around me as something positive…something that He can use to make me look more like Him.  And, I also believe that when my focus is on Jesus, I’m a nicer person to be around which will hopefully entice those with whom I come in contact, to want to know my Jesus.
Do I feel like I have this area of my life completely under control?  No, I don’t.  I still have a long way to go to be the person my Jesus wants me to be.  Just ask my husband, who has to live with me, especially these past months when I had two discs go out in my back.  OK…maybe you shouldn’t ask him 
 This time has been hard.  And it has been easy for me to lose my focus and forget that Jesus is in control and that His timing and ways are perfect.  There have been days when I have become discouraged when my timetable for being in less pain has not lined up with His.  But the amazing truth is that my Jesus has been so faithful.  Even when I have been weak...He has been strong every. single. day.

By the way, why is it that we often don’t want anyone else to know we struggle at times?  Why is it that we want others to think we have it all together and we lead a perfect life?  Now don’t get me wrong…I don’t think we need to broadcast our every fault…but I think we need to be willing to let others know that we are a work in progress.  I believe we can make other peoples’ problems seem even worse to them when they compare what they are going through with our apparent “perfect” life.  I think this even plays a role in some of the anger and violence we see played out in our communities.  Some, who are facing serious difficulties, finally break and take their frustrations out on others because they want them to suffer as much as they are.  None of us are perfect and as Christians, we need to be willing to be transparent with those around us, so they can see where and to whom we turn when the bedlam of life is swirling around us.

I saw this definition of peace and thought it summed it up well.  Having peace doesn’t mean the world’s noise won’t be around us.  Having peace doesn’t mean we won’t ever be faced with a serious health issue.  Having peace doesn’t mean we won’t ever lose our job or have our spouse walk away.  Having peace doesn’t mean that we won’t have a child who makes wrong decisions.  What it does mean is that even in the noise…even in the chaos…even in the heartbreak…we can still have calmness in our heart.  Calmness because our eyes are focused on our Jesus and we realize just how big HE is.

John MacArthur said, “The more you focus on yourself, the more distracted you will be from the proper path.  The more you know Him and commune with Him, the more the Spirit will make you like Him.  The more you are like Him, the better you will understand His utter sufficiency for all of life’s difficulties.  And that is the only way to know real satisfaction.”  Do you want peace?  Get to know Jesus.  The more you know Him…the less you will want to take your eyes off of the One who can handle anything that life throws at you.


“When besieged, I’m calm as a baby.

When all hell breaks loose, I’m collected and cool.

I’m asking God for one thing, only one thing:

To live with him in his house my whole life long.

I’ll contemplate his beauty; I’ll study at his feet.

That’s the only quiet, secure place in a noisy world,

The perfect getaway, far from the buzz of traffic.”

Psalm 27:3-5 The Message


Monday, November 16, 2020

Monday Morning Memo: Choosing Peace Part IV

Once again, we are looking today at what we can do to have peace each and every day.  As I have shared in the previous weeks, I began thinking about this in a more in-depth manner as I read the book, Calming The Storm Within: How to Find Peace In This Chaotic World, by Jim Lange.

The first week we learned from Mr. Lange’s statement, “Chaos is a part of life that cannot be avoided.  We need to actually embrace the chaos because God allows it for our own good.”  The second week we looked at his words, “Any lack of peace that I experience is simply because I am focusing on my issues and me rather than on Jesus.”   Last week we looked at the fact that we probably won’t have peace until our thoughts change from “Why is this happening TO me…to What is God doing FOR me?”

I think this week’s insight from Mr. Lange’s book is where the rubber meets the road.  I think it is something that if we really took to heart…if we really grasped this truth and believed it…we would experience more peace.  He says this, “This might surprise you, but worry and anxiety (or a lack of peace) is sin.  It dishonors God, because when we worry or have anxiety in our hearts, we are effectively saying that God is not big enough to handle it, or that we trust ourselves more than we trust God.  We are putting ourselves and our issues ahead of our Creator, which is the ultimate in pride and selfishness.”  
I have preached and written about this very truth and I have even gone so far as to say that when we worry, when we lack peace, we are acting like an atheist.  We are saying that we don’t believe there is a God big enough to handle our needs.  We are saying that we don’t believe His promises…that our pace is better than His pace...that our plans are better than His plans.   We are saying we don’t trust Him enough to allow Him to be our Shepherd.  And when we don’t believe…we won’t have peace.

It is so sobering to me when I think about the times when I have acted like an atheist.  When my actions show others that I don’t believe there is a God big enough to handle whatever life throws my way, why in the world would they want to have a relationship with my Savior?  If I don’t have peace; if I don’t show them that my faith and trust is in the One who gave His all for me, they aren’t going to want to hear about Him.  This is sobering…because these actions of mine can have an eternal consequence for those who need my Jesus.
Remember how God provided manna daily for the Israelites?  This story has always intrigued me because God could have provided them with storehouses full of manna that never would have spoiled.  He was more than capable of doing that.  But instead, He chose to feed them daily because He wanted them to trust Him for today AND for tomorrow…knowing He would provide whatever was needed.  I am sure He wanted them to learn to have peace, even when they knew they only had provisions for today.

I don’t know about you, but I know this is an area of my life I need to turn completely over to the Lord.  I, just like the Israelites, need to have peace knowing He has promised to provide whatever I need for today and He is big enough to also handle my tomorrows.  My Jesus needs to be enough. 
I hope you don’t struggle in this area, but if you do, I would love to pray for you.  I think it is important that we support each other in prayer as we strive to demonstrate and live out peace as chaos is swirling around us.  If you would like for me to lift you up to our Jesus, just let me know either by e-mail,, or feel free to private message me through Facebook.
Our Jesus is enough.  When we live like we believe this…peace will come.


“I am leaving you with a gift – peace of mind and heart.

And the peace I give is a gift the world cannot give.

So don’t be troubled or afraid.”

John 14:27

Monday, November 9, 2020

Monday Morning Memo: Choosing Peace Part III

We are in our third week of looking at having peace no matter what chaos is swirling around us.  I began thinking about this in a more in-depth manner as I read the book, Calming The Storm Within: How to Find Peace In This Chaotic World by Jim Lange.  My prayer is that something I share will help you in your search to have peace in whatever circumstances you find yourself.
The first week we learned from Mr. Lange’s statement, “Chaos is a part of life that cannot be avoided.  We need to actually embrace the chaos because God allows it for our own good.”  Last week we looked at his words, “Any lack of peace that I experience is simply because I am focusing on my issues and me rather than on Jesus.”

This week I want to look at what often keeps us from embracing the chaos and focusing on Jesus.  From what I have observed, many people lack peace because of one central question they keep asking as they are experiencing hard times.  Over and over again, many keep asking, “Why is this happening to me?”  Of course, the question becomes personalized depending on the current type of turmoil.  “Why am I having to suffer physically?”  Why am I stuck in this lousy job, where no one recognizes my potential?”  “Why do I have a spouse and/or child who doesn’t love me the way I think I should be loved?”  And I could go on and on.


Mr. Lange addressed this in his book.  He said he has also observed this in others who have faced major difficulties in their lives.  He said that some of them acted as if their lives were over.  They fretted and complained about the horrible hand that was dealt to them.  In other words, they were super focused on what was happening TO them, which kept them stuck in the muck and mire.

He went on to say he had also observed some who seemed to be blessed in the midst of their difficult circumstances.  With these people, their tough situations proved to be the catalyst for something great in their lives.  He said, “The one thing in common with each of the people in this group was that, at some point along the way, their thinking changed.  They shifted from thoughts of Why is this happening TO me…tWhat is God doing FOR me?  They each recognized that God was working on their behalf, even though in the natural it didn’t seem like it at all.  They became dead to themselves in their circumstances.  Some of these, probably the more spiritually mature, went to this place quickly in the midst of their trial.  Others may have taken a bit longer.  But they each got there, and God was able to turn their lemons into lemonade.”

I think many of us would have a lot more peace if instead of immediately asking, Why me?…we would ask Why NOT me?  Why in the world should we be free of trials and chaos in our lives?  We read in John 16:33, “I have told you all this so that you may have peace in me.  Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows.  But take heart, because I have overcome the world.”  Christ told us that we would have difficult situations in our lives, but He also told us that we should have peace.  Why?  Because He is greater than anything this world can throw at us…yes, even a messed-up election 

So instead of fretting, fuming, whining and feeling sorry for ourselves, what if we looked at our current situation and thanked the Lord for it.  What if we realized that He has us in our current surroundings for a reason and that through our chaos, He will be able to change us and mold us to look more like Him.  What if we asked Him to reveal what He is trying to teach us and then ask Him to help us act appropriately to His plan.  I’m guessing if we did this, we just might have more peace.

If I am honest, I am still a work in progress in thanking the Lord when I am in the middle of unplanned circumstances.  Some days I feel like I’m pretty successful at it and other days I fail miserably.  But He is slowly whittling away those things in my life that keep me from looking like Him…and if that means I have to face uncertain, chaotic times…then I know it is all in His plan.
Are you asking “Why me?” today?  I want to urge you to change that question to “Why NOT me” and then try thanking the Lord for what you are experiencing.  Ask Him then to reveal to you His plan in gentle whispers.  I believe you will begin to feel peace as His presence is felt in a powerful way and His Spirit fills your soul.  Give it a try.  What do you have to lose?

Monday, November 2, 2020

Monday Morning Memo: Choosing Peace Part II

As I shared with you last week, I came across a book several years ago entitled, Calming The Storm Within: How to Find Peace In This Chaotic World  by Jim Lange.  This book spoke to me in so many ways, and I hope something I share from it will help your search to have peace no matter what chaos is swirling around you.

One of Mr. Lange’s statements that jumped out at me was this: 

“Peace is something provided to us by God (which we need to both seek and receive) that enables us to have tranquility, or be okay on the inside, regardless of our circumstances.” 


While I know in my mind that these words are true, it seems like it is much harder to “live out” than it is to just agree with it.  I know that God does provide peace for us, but where I struggle is accepting His peace when I am in a place in my life where I don’t want to be.


As I wrote last week, His peace is always there but it is our choice whether we are going to accept it or not.  It’s easy to choose peace when life is running smoothly and all of our ducks are in a row.  But when we are thrown a curve ball and we are suddenly on a detour that we didn’t plan, it seems to be so much harder to choose His peace.  As I was contemplating as to why I struggle with this, the author hit me between the eyes with these words:

“Peace isn’t stolen from us – we choose to give it up when we refuse to give up control or when we take our eyes off Jesus.”

Refusing to give up control.  Ouch.  That hurt.  Anyone that knows me would probably agree that I can easily be a control freak.  I’m pretty particular and I like things to be done and go in the way I think they should happen.  So, when things in my life go haywire, I often tend to just tighten my grip on what is swirling around me.  As I read, I realized that when I do that, I am refusing to give up control because I think I can handle things better.  It is at those times when I am taking my eyes off of Jesus and putting them on myself, and nothing good ever comes from doing that.


Tomorrow our country will have a very contentious election…someone is going to win…and someone is going to lose.  Where we have our focus will determine our reaction, especially if our candidates don’t find themselves in the winning circle.  No matter who ends up with the most votes…God will still be on the Throne…and it is in Him that we need to put our trust.


Mr. Lange then summed it up with this one powerful statement:

“Any lack of peace that I experience is simply because

I am focusing on my issues and me rather than on Jesus.”


This is so true.  If I can fully comprehend this truth and remember it every time I feel my stomach going into knots, hopefully I will stop wherever I am and whatever I am doing and choose His peace.  It’s always there for me…always available…but it’s up to me to put my eyes on my Jesus and accept the peace He is offering.


How about you?  Are you living in chaos right now?  If so, whom or what has your focus?  If it isn’t your Jesus…I doubt you have peace and you need to remember, just like I do, that you are making the choice not to have it.  It’s always there for you…always available…but you have to be willing to turn your eyes on Him and choose to have the peace He so longs to give you! 


"I keep my eyes always on the Lord.

With him at my right hand,

I will not be shaken.”

Psalm 16:8

Monday, October 26, 2020

Monday Morning Memo: Choosing Peace Part I

I was looking for something recently and I came across a series of devotionals I had written several years ago concerning having peace when there is chaos around us.  As I read them, I felt like I should bring them up-to-date and share them with you again…possibly because we all just might have a little bedlam in our lives these days.  


Have you ever heard the expression, the “tyranny of the urgent”?  It came from a little booklet written in 1967 by Charles Hummel and it quickly became a classic.  He argued that we often have a choice between things that are urgent and things that are important – and far too often, the urgent wins.  In other words, we often spend our days doing whatever is yelling at us the loudest, even if those things aren’t what are most important.  We run ourselves ragged day after day with our stomachs tied in knots, just trying to silence the noise.

As a result, we often end our day frustrated, exhausted and discouraged. Our nerves are on edge and we lash out at those whom we love the most.  And peace?  Well, unfortunately many haven’t felt peace in a very long time or even thought it was possible, because most people around us are absorbed in the same rat race that we are experiencing.


I knew this had become the “normal” in our society, but it has become much more evident during these days filled with Covid-19 and the upcoming election.  Flip on the news and it takes just about a nanosecond to be reminded of the chaotic world in which we live. People going every which way, fighting over whether masks should be worn, fighting over who should be elected and basically just trying to scream louder than the next person. 

I came across a book several years ago entitled, Calming The Storm Within: How to Find Peace In This Chaotic World  by Jim Lange.  Mr. Lange caught my attention when he stated, “Chaos is a part of life that cannot be avoided.  We need to actually embrace the chaos because God allows it for our own good.”   He followed it with this prayer, “Heavenly Father, thank You for loving me so much that You would allow chaos and trouble in my life.  You know what I need and You know that staying in my comfort zone is not good for me.  Help me to remember this the next time I face chaos and to be thankful in the midst of the storm.  Help me to see it from Your vantage point so that I can choose peace in the midst of it and I can be looking for You during the turmoil.  Amen.” 

Did you catch what it said in this prayer?  This prayer asks our Lord to help us see the chaos from His vantage point so that we can choose peace.  Whether our schedule is way over-packed or fairly empty due to quarantining…whether everyone around us is screaming or everyone is silent because we are all alone…we can choose to have peace. 

In the next few weeks, I plan to share with you some of the highlights that I ascertained from this book, along with what the Lord is teaching me on this subject.  I know I have a lot to learn about this and hopefully what I share will also be of help to you.


As we begin a new week, let’s pray for the Lord to help us see the chaos around us from His vantage point so that we can begin to choose peace.  Remember, the world is watching us to see how we react to life’s pressures and maybe, just maybe, if they see us choosing peace, they will want to hear about our Jesus!


“And let the peace that comes from Christ 

rule in your hearts.
For as members of one body you are called 

to live in peace.
And always be thankful.”

Colossians 3:15

Monday, October 19, 2020

Monday Morning Memo: For "Someone"

I have a question for you to start your week.  How often are you thrilled with what you see when you look in the mirror?  All of the time?  Most of the time?  Rarely?  Never?


I was thinking about this question last week and it made me think of all the times in my life when I have looked in the mirror and didn’t like what I saw.  The times when I have wished I was like someone else.

Why can’t I be as pretty as her?
Why can’t I be as thin as her?
Why can’t I be as creative as her or him?
Why wasn’t I given the athletic ability with which she or he was blessed?
Why can’t I be as smart as she or he is?
Why can’t I write as well as she or he can?

I could go on and on with my list.  There have been many times when what I saw in the mirror, just didn’t measure up to what I thought was “perfection”.

So when I saw this graphic a few days ago it really hit home.  It is so hard for me to believe that not once had God looked at me and thought:

I sure wish LuAnn was as pretty as ___________.
I sure wish LuAnn was as thin as ___________.
I sure wish LuAnn had the same creative ability as ___________.
I sure wish LuAnn was as athletic as ___________.
I sure wish LuAnn was as smart as ___________.
I sure wish LuAnn could write as well as ___________.

Not once has He done this.  God created me to be me and I can waste so much time in my life trying to be someone else, that I miss out on who and what I am.  I am a child of God who was created in HIS image.  I am a child of God who is so dearly loved, that He sent His one and only Son, Jesus, to die on the cross for my sins.  I am a child of God who has accepted Him as my Lord and Savior and, as a result, I have a home that is being prepared for me in heaven.  When He calls me home…I will spend eternity with Him, my Heavenly Father.


And the exciting news?  The same is true for you! Not once has He looked at you and wished you were more like ______________(insert the name of your choice).  Not once has God looked at you and thought He made a huge mistake.  NOT ONCE!  You were also created in His image and He loves you more than you can ever imagine.   And He loves you just the way you are…right now.

Yes, He loves you and me with all of our flaws and imperfections and nothing we have done or no inferior quality that we might have can diminish His love for us.  I don’t know about you…but that just blows my mind!

Does that mean we should never strive to change those qualities that hinder us from looking like Jesus?  Of course not.  Striving to reflect His image should be our focus every day, by making choices that we know will please Him.  It is a continuous process in which He loves us where we are today…but wants even greater things for us tomorrow.  Why?  Because He loves us that much.

I just feel like someone needs to read these words today.  Someone feels they are a failure.  Someone doesn’t think he or she has worth.  Someone is thinking that if they were just like ___________...their life would be perfect.  So if you are that “someone”…when you look in the mirror today…don’t concentrate on what or who you aren’t.  Concentrate on Who created you and in Whose image you were created.  Remember…God never makes a mistake, so He didn’t make a mistake when He made you and He loves you right where you are TODAY!

So God created mankind in his own image,

in the image of God he created them;
male and female he created them.

Genesis 1:27