Monday, March 30, 2020

Monday Morning Memo: A Wall? Not Required!

As I reflect on our recent trip to Israel, I am still amazed and humbled that I even had the opportunity to see the places I read about in the Bible.  I never thought that this would ever be a possibility and at times it still feels like a dream and not reality.

Israel was nothing like I expected.  Honestly, I’m not really sure what I thought it would be like…but it didn’t take long to realize that it was so much more than I anticipated.  The sights, sounds and people were at times overwhelming, as I was taken back to those days when Jesus walked where I was walking.  As I sat in the Garden of Gethsemane, I imagined Jesus praying to His Father, knowing what was ahead for Him.  As we made our way through the Old Jerusalem market, I pictured Jesus making his way through the area as people jeered, spit on him and yelled “Crucify Him”.  And as I sat by the Garden Tomb, I was forced to grapple with the truth of what He did for me on Calvary. 

Then, there was the Western Wall…also known as the Wailing Wall.  I’ve heard about it and read about it, but I couldn’t believe I was actually standing at it.  What an experience.  Jewish tradition states that God’s presence rests on this wall which is the last remnant of King Solomon’s original Temple, which housed the Ark of the Covenant over 2,000 years ago.  As a result, people from all faiths travel to this wall to cry out to God to answer their prayers and heal them from their ailments.

As I’m sure you have seen, many also place slips of paper containing written prayers to God into the cracks in the wall.  More than a million prayer notes are placed there each year.  They are written in just about every language and vary from a few words to very long requests.  They are written on a wide variety of papers, including colored paper, notebook paper and even bubblegum wrappers.  It is told that the Rabbi of the Western Wall, also receives hundreds of letters each year addressed to “God, Jerusalem” and he folds those letters and places them in the wall also.

According to Jewish law, none of these notes can be thrown away because they are considered to be letters to God.  So twice a year, the Rabbi and his assistants collect the notes left in the Wall and bury them in the Jewish cemetery on the Mount of Olives.

For me, it was a very powerful moment to be standing at the wall praying for my concerns, along with requests that we had collected from our church family at home.  As I stood there, I felt so blessed to know that even though my time there was indescribable, I don’t need a wall to pray at. I don’t need a place with cracks in which to put my requests on folded pieces of paper.  God’s presence is just as much in my home as I cry out to Him, as it was that day at the wall.  God’s presence is alive and well and no matter where I am or what I am doing…I can call out to Him every single moment of every day.  What a blessing…what a privilege. 

These days we are living through, need to be filled with prayer to our all-powerful God who is everywhere.  We have the opportunity to lift our requests to Him…taking our needs, along with the needs of those around us, to His throne.  We don’t have to mail our requests to Jerusalem for Him to hear us, nor do we have to fly there to place them in a wall.  Our God is alive and well and wants us to cry out to Him today, right where we are.

I will forever be thankful that I was blessed to visit Israel and experience all that it has to offer.  But I don’t want to spend my time basking in those days, neglecting to live in the present, seeking Him to heal our land.  There are so many who need to hear about what Jesus did for them so that their sins can be forgiven and they can spend eternity with Him.  Today is the day to boldly go to the throne of grace.  He is waiting…will you spend time with Him today?

“The Lord hears his people when they call to him for help.
He rescues them from all their troubles.

Psalm 34:17

“In those days when you pray, I will listen.

Jeremiah 29:12 

Monday, March 23, 2020

Monday Morning Memo: Taking it to God's Throne

As some of you know, last October I began a ministry entitled, “Throne Thursday”.  Each Thursday, I send out an email and post on Facebook that anyone can send me a prayer request on that day and I promise to take his or her concern to God’s throne.  I had no idea how this new idea would be accepted or if anyone would allow me the opportunity to pray on their behalf…but I knew God was calling me to do it so I better obey!

The response has been overwhelming.  Many people have contacted me with requests that are heavy on their heart… and it has been such a blessing to lift up those needs to our all-powerful God.  Some have told me that they have an unspoken request, which is just fine (God knows all the details!), and some have shared with me more information so that I know specifically how to pray.  To date, I have over 100 requests for which I am seeking His throne on others’ behalf.  

Hebrews 4:16 says, “Let us come boldly to the throne of grace”.   Do you know what I love about this verse?  It doesn’t say, “Let the ministers of your church come boldly to the throne of grace”.  Nor does it say, “Let only the elders of the church come boldly to the throne of grace.” It says, “Let US come boldly to the throne of grace”!  Isn’t that amazing!  All of us can approach our all-powerful God sharing with Him our needs and concerns…along with the needs and concerns of others.  What a blessing!

Which leads me to the second half of my ministry.  I knew when I began Throne Thursday that there was a second half to what God was calling me to do…and I have been praying ever since for His timing.  With all that is transpiring in our world today…I felt God telling me this past week that now is the time to introduce how YOU can now be involved!

I understand there are certain prayer requests and burdens that you do not want shared with everyone.  The requests that are shared with me are kept in confidence and I only share them with my Jesus.  But, I also know there are other requests that come up, where you really need everyone praying…but it is sometimes hard to know how to ask others to take your need to God’s throne.  And, there are also needs that come up where waiting until Throne Thursday to share just isn’t feasible.   

Now, to help you share with others your prayer concerns, I have put together a Facebook group entitled, “Taking it to God’s Throne”.  This will be a private group, where only the members will be able to see the posts that are made.  If you join this group, you will be able to post a prayer concern that you may have, AND you will be able to pray for others’ requests that are posted.  As you are able to encourage others during their time of need, I guarantee you that you will be blessed over and over again for taking their need to God’s throne.

I would ask that you be patient with me as I get this up and rolling.  I may make mistakes and mess this up…but I promise to do my best to connect you with others in our world who need prayer.  I also want this to be a group where I can encourage you in your walk with Jesus.  I will share encouraging quotes, scriptures and anything else that He impresses on me to share.

Just like Throne Thursday, there needs to be some guidelines and “rules”.  So, this is what I have put together at this point…they may be ratified, changed or added to in the days to come:

1.   PLEASE do not add prayer concerns where you list other people’s names without their permission!  Just because this will be a private group, does not mean you have permission to share the names of others.  I will remove any post that is not appropriate.

2.  This will not be a counselling page…so PLEASE refrain from giving others a list of advice to “solve” their problem.  This is a place to share your concerns so that others can pray on your behalf and for you to lift their needs up in prayer.  A simple “I’ll be praying for you!” will go far to let that person know you care and are praying.

3.   PLEASE be intentional on checking this page often so that you can be informed as to the current requests.  If you don’t know…you can’t pray!

4.    Make sure you pray for the requests!  That may seem a little ridiculous to make that a guideline…but it is so easy to say we will pray for something or someone and we have every intention to…but then we don’t.  Keep a journal…or write yourself a note on your mirror…or have your phone remind you to pray.  I have found it is very do-able…you just have to be intentional!

So how can you join?  Just search for the group “Taking it to God’s Throne” on Facebook and then ask to join this group.  If you are already a Facebook friend of mine…you may get an invitation from me to join…but again, I am new to this so please be patient.  If you have friends who you think might want to be a part of this ministry, by all means let them know about it.

I feel bad because I know that some of you aren’t on Facebook so this will not be available to you.  I am praying about other possible ways to include everyone, so hopefully I will get an inspiration as to how we can put something else together.

We live in a time when our prayers are greatly needed and it is something that ALL of us can do, whether we are out and about or quarantined at home.  So, let’s work together to boldly take our needs to His throne!

Monday, March 16, 2020

Monday Morning Memo: Grin Events, Face-Plants & Paths

Well, we never know what a day…or week…will bring, do we?  This has surely been a week for the books, as they say.  Schools are closed, churches have had to go to online services, and people are fighting over toilet paper.  Yep, you just can’t make these things up.

These past days made it difficult to figure out what I should write about today.  Some people are very worried, aren’t sleeping and are truly scared of getting this nasty virus that is in our world.  Others aren’t concerned at all and are going through each day just as they always have.  Hopefully the majority of us are somewhere in between and are being diligent in making sure we do what is necessary to stay as healthy as possible.

I finally came to the conclusion that most people may just need something to smile about today.  And what better way to accomplish that than to post a picture of an adorable 18-month-old in his grandma’s slippers 

As I shared with you a few weeks ago, following our trip to Israel, I had the opportunity to care for my three grandsons, ages 1, 3 and 5, while their parents went to Israel for 13 days.  I was so glad I was able to be there…but if I’m honest…I now know beyond a shadow of a doubt that there is a reason why we have our children when we are young!  I kept wondering the first few days why I was so exhausted each evening after I put them to bed.  I mean, I raised three children and while I remember it being tiring, I sure didn’t remember it being this tiring.  And then it hit me.  Yes, I raised three children…but that was 30 years ago!  This old body of mine sure ain’t what it used to be and I need to realize that some of my “get up and go”…has “gone up and went”!

In spending those days with my grandsons, I learned more about their likes and dislikes.  One of the things I learned about Ezra, this precious boy wearing my slippers, is that he is a shoe-a-holic.  He absolutely loves putting on other people’s shoes.  Oftentimes it was just one shoe…so he would be stomping around the house with one shoe on and one shoe off…but just as happy as could be.  It just brought him so much joy.

So, I want to share with you today just a few quick nuggets of inspiration that I thought of as I watched him parading around:

1.     I need to find joy in the little things of life.  If I wait until some big event happens…that I think will bring me great joy…I may miss some of the smaller “grin events” that occur every day.

2.    I need to be willing to do things that may seem bigger than what I can handle.  My slippers were so much bigger than Ezra’s feet…but he didn’t let that stop him.  Even when he fell a couple times when the slippers got ahead of him…he still jumped right back up, grinned from ear to ear, and carried on.  Obviously, he felt the joy of the moment was worth the temporary times of face-planting.

3.    While I thoroughly enjoyed watching Ezra walk in my slippers, do I really want him walking in my shoes of life?  In other words, if he decides to walk a similar path that I have walked in my life…would that be a good thing or would it be better if he chose a different path?  I know I am being watched by him and his brothers, so are they seeing me live in a way that leads them to Jesus, or do my “steps” lead them on a path they shouldn’t follow?  Hmmm…I may need to think about that for a while.

During these days of uncertainty, let’s be diligent in looking for those smaller “grin events” that may come our way.  And then let’s see what we can do to send a “grin event” to someone else who may need to find a reason to smile.

I hope we are also willing to maybe step out of our comfort zone and do something that seems a little impossible.  You may face something that will seem way bigger than you are capable of accomplishing, just like Ezra faced by much too large slippers.  Sure, tackling the unexpected may cause us to face-plant once in a while, but I think in the end the joy will be worth the pain.

Finally, let us remember that we are being watched.  Not just by our family…but there are others in our sphere of influence…who are watching to see how we are reacting to this current world event.  If they see us freaking out and crying that the sky is falling…they may follow us down that same path…and we wouldn’t want to cause that route to be any more crowded than it already is  

“Don’t be afraid, for I am with you.
Don’t be discouraged, for I am your God.
I will strengthen you and help you.
I will hold you up with my victorious right hand.”
Isaiah 41:10

Monday, March 9, 2020

Monday Morning Memo: He Knew

It’s something I have said many times in my life, largely because of all of my health problems.  I’ve heard many others speak the same words over the years, either because of an unexpected illness or as a result of an event that occurred out of the blue.  For me, it’s usually said once the unforeseen detour is over and I am looking back on what all occurred.  It’s at that moment when these words often leave my lips, “It’s good I didn’t know beforehand what I would have to endure…because I would have said that I couldn’t survive it.” 

I couldn’t get those words out of my mind as I sat in the Garden of Gethsemane.  We had been given an amazing opportunity to have a large section of this garden to ourselves and as we entered this beautiful area, the gate was locked behind us so that no other groups would disturb us.  We then had over an hour to pray, reflect and communicate with our Jesus.  

It was during this time that it hit me.  It was something that I had always known, but I don’t think it had ever really sunk in before.  With tears streaming down my face…all I could say over and over in my mind was He knew!  He knew!  As He knelt in the Garden of Gethsemane…He knew!  It wasn’t anything like I have experienced, where I have been suddenly thrown into a detour and I had no choice but to keep plugging along.  No, Jesus knew what He was going to have to go through on the cross.  He knew that He would be spit on…whipped…jammed with a crown of thorns on His head…placed on a cross with spikes through his feet and hands…He knewAND HE STILL MADE THE DECISION TO PROCEED!  Why?  Because He loves you and me that much.

Honestly, that is a love I cannot comprehend.  He endured unbelievable suffering, not as a result of something He did wrong, but because of the wrong He knew you and I would do.  He allowed himself to be crucified…so that we can spend eternity in heaven with Him.  That my friend…just blows my mind.

I don’t deserve that kind of love, but that day in the Garden of Gethsemane, He wrapped His arms around me and I could almost hear Him say, “LuAnn, I knew…but you were worth it.  Every. Single. Person. on this earth was worth it.  I suffered so that everyone who asks for forgiveness can have their sins washed clean and can spend eternity with Me.  I knew…but you were worth it.”

There are so many people today who feel like they have gone too far off the path to be loved by Jesus.  They know all the times when they went against His plan for their life and they think they are beyond redemption.  That may be how you feel and if so, you couldn’t be more wrong.  He wouldn’t have made the choice to follow through with His Father’s plan…knowing the pain and suffering He would have to go through…to say that you aren’t worth it.

I came out of the Garden of Gethsemane that day, even more determined to make sure you know that Jesus died for you and desperately wants you to accept Him as your Lord and Savior.  All you have to do is say this prayer, “Dear Jesus, I believe that you died on the cross for my sins, were resurrected and are alive and well today.  I believe that you are the Son of God and that you deeply love me.  I confess that I am a sinner and I need you to forgive me and cleanse me from my sins.  I accept you as my Savior and want you to create a new and clean heart in me.  I now want to live every day for you and I know I will have eternal life with you because of what you did on Calvary’s cross for me.  Thank you, Jesus.  Amen.”  Yes, it’s that simple.

He knew what He would endure…but He loved you so much and knew you were worth it.  Don’t turn your back on Him today…because now YOU know what Jesus sacrificed for you.

“For this is how God loved the world: 
He gave his one and only Son, 
so that everyone who believes in him will not perish 
but have eternal life.  
God sent his Son into the world not to judge the world, 
but to save the world through him.

John 3:16-17

Monday, March 2, 2020

Monday Morning Memo: The Count

One of the awesome perks of going to Israel, was the fact that Dan and I went with 34 other people.  I know some who would think that size group might be a detriment, but we loved deepening our friendship with some and beginning new friendships with others.  Of course, we didn’t have the responsibility to make sure that all 36 were on the bus after each stop, so our leader, Chris, may have had different thoughts than ours on the size of the group!

At the beginning of each day and after every stop, Chris would walk through the bus counting heads.  I could see his lips moving as he said, “One, two, three, four”, etc. until he got to the total of 36.  After a few days of this, our faithful leader decided there had to be a better way, so each of us were assigned a number.  Then, when Chris would tell us to count off, the first person who was number one would yell out their number and that would progress as each person voiced their digit.  If one of the numbers wasn’t heard…we then had to find out where that person was.  Do you know what I realized?  If there was someone missing…we didn’t leave.  Chris didn’t say, “Oh well, losing one out of 36 isn’t bad.  They will eventually figure out where we are.”  Not once did I hear those words.  Each time, we waited until that person or persons were accounted for and then we could go on our way.

This hit me one day when we were driving by shepherds who were tending to their sheep and cattle in Israel.  The parable of the lost sheep in Luke 15 came to my mind which says, “So Jesus told them this story: ‘If a man has a hundred sheep and one of them gets lost, what will he do? Won’t he leave the ninety-nine others in the wilderness and go to search for the one that is lost until he finds it? And when he has found it, he will joyfully carry it home on his shoulders. When he arrives, he will call together his friends and neighbors, saying, Rejoice with me because I have found my lost sheep.  In the same way, there is more joy in heaven over one lost sinner who repents and returns to God than over ninety-nine others who are righteous and haven’t strayed away!’”

I had read this parable many times before this trip, but after seeing the shepherds and sheep with my own eyes…it now means much more.  You see, I had always pictured this scene with beautiful, green lush pastures with a babbling brook…but that wasn’t what I was witnessing in Israel.  These shepherds were tending their flock in very rough, rocky terrain with very little “green” anywhere.  So, to go after one lost sheep isn’t a stroll in the park, it is more than likely grueling and very difficult.  But that shepherd knows how important each of their sheep is and makes the sacrifice to ensure that all are accounted for.

You may be wondering where I am going with all of this.  Well, just like the fact that Chris and these shepherds knew it was important that all in their “flock” were accounted for, our Heavenly Shepherd feels the same way about you…regardless of what kind of “sheep” you are.  It doesn’t matter how far you have strayed…or what it will take to get you back in the fold…Jesus is willing to do whatever He has to, to bring you back.  There isn’t anything you can do to make Him say, “Oh well, losing one isn’t bad.  I’ll just concentrate on the ones who are still here.”  And, just as this Scripture shares, your return home won’t be a time of chastisement or berating from Jesus because you were lost, instead He will be carrying you on his shoulders every step of the way.

If you feel you have strayed too far for Jesus to reach out and bring you “home”…you are so wrong.  He loves you more than you can imagine…and nothing will ever squelch that amazing, grace-filled love that He has for you.  He knows right where you are, but I know He would be so thrilled to have you look to Him today and yell out, “I’m here and I want to be accounted for!”  Oh, what rejoicing there will be!

My trip to Israel was definitely a trip of a lifetime…but trust me my friend…walking with my Jesus every day is even better and is a trip for all eternity!