Monday, August 31, 2020

Monday Morning Memo: Heart-Breaking

I was reading my devotions last week and came across some verses that made me chuckle.  I’m sure they weren’t meant to be funny…but for some reason I immediately pictured in my mind what it would look like if these words were describing me.  This is what I read:

“Then the Spirit came into me and set me on my feet. He spoke to me and said, ‘Go to your house and shut yourself in. There, son of man, you will be tied with ropes so you cannot go out among the people. And I will make your tongue stick to the roof of your mouth so that you will be speechless and unable to rebuke them, for they are rebels. But when I give you a message, I will loosen your tongue and let you speak. Then you will say to them, ‘This is what the Sovereign Lord says! Those who choose to listen will listen, but those who refuse will refuse, for they are rebels.’” (Ezekiel 3:24-27)

I’m thinking this might be a very good idea for me…except I’m guessing I probably wouldn’t be talking very much.  If I’m honest, if God would make my tongue stick to the roof of my mouth so that I couldn’t say the wrong thing…it would definitely be a lot quieter at my house 

You see, my mouth is often my downfall.  It is so easy for me to speak before I think…and as a result…the wrong things can be said.  I think this happens sometimes because I’m already thinking about what I should say next, while the other person is talking.   So, the second they take a breath…I quickly blurt out what I’ve been thinking about and it can be the wrong words…because I truly wasn’t listening to what the other person was telling me.

Oh, how much easier it would be if God would just make it so that I couldn’t talk unless my words were His words!  And can you imagine what a difference it would make in our world if all of us could only speak when God wanted us to speak or post on social media when He directed us to do so?  

As I’m sure you have noticed…right now in our world there are so many words being thrown around that I am confident are not pleasing to God.  To be honest…my heart is breaking over the hateful, spiteful words that some Christians are spewing out to degrade others just because someone is either choosing to wear a mask…or refusing to do so.  As children of the King, every action and every reaction we have should be based on Biblical principles…not on our emotions.  When we choose to run our life based on how we feel…instead of on what God teaches…Satan claps…because He knows it won’t take much to cause division.  What a tragedy.

James 1:19 says, “Understand this, my dear brothers and sisters:  You must all be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to get angry.”  Unfortunately, I have not perfected this verse in my life and I know it is something I need to work on.  How about you?  Maybe it would be a good idea if all of us would make a point today to be quick to listen (even to those who may have a different opinion than us)…slow to speak (even when we are confident our way is the right way) …and slow to get angry (even when we really want to give others a piece of our mind).  

Would you pray with me?  “Father, I know that my words can either lift up…or tear apart.  Guard my mouth Lord; keep watch over the door of my lips…so that I will only speak…or write…those things that are pleasing to you. Help me to act and react according to your Word…instead of my emotions.  I know the world is watching and listening Lord…may I be the light that is needed in this very dark world.  Amen.” 

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