Monday, September 7, 2020

Monday Morning Memo: Seeing Others

Well today is Labor Day, which is a sure sign that summer is coming to an end.  UGH.  As I have shared before, summer is my favorite season of the year and winter is my least favorite.  So, I’m praying that we have many more sun-soaked, warm days before the snow flies!

Labor Day is a day when we honor the American worker; those people who work hard day in and day out to keep this world of ours moving forward.  Everywhere we look, we see laborers who are faithfully doing their job to the best of their ability.  Yes, I’m not naïve enough to think that everyone is doing their very best and working their hardest…but I don’t want to dwell today on those who choose to do just enough to get by.


As we all know, 2020 has been a year like no other…so even our laborers look much different.  Many places of business had to close due to the virus…and unfortunately…many of those businesses have never reopened due to their severe financial loss.  Some have been able to reopen, but it is taking everything they have to stay afloat.  America’s workforce is stressed beyond measure and there are few homes that haven’t been affected in some way.

I think it is even more important then this year to be observant of those with whom we come in contact as we go about our daily lives.  In many cases, we have no idea what each person is facing in their life and we may not realize that some are at their breaking point.  They may be holding on by a thread and it just may be that our making sure we “see” them, could be what makes the difference.  I think so many people feel invisible in this world and believe that no one cares…no one even sees them.  


It is so important that we recognize and appreciate these workers today on Labor Day and in the days to come.  It doesn’t matter whether they are a cashier, a salesperson, a teacher, a lawyer, a ditch-digger, a stay-at-home parent or a doctor.  We need to make the effort to truly “see” them and thank them for what they are doing.   Many give their all in everything they do…even when the world seems to be unhinged…but never have anyone notice and I find that really sad.  It is easy to become so busy in our day that we overlook those whom God has placed in our path who need an encouraging word.  

Wouldn’t it be wonderful if, as we go throughout each day, we were intentional in praising those we see?  It doesn’t have to take a lot of our time; sometimes just a simple, heartfelt “thank-you” is appropriate.  Maybe it is just asking the cashier how he or she is before they can say anything to us.  Maybe it is writing our child’s teacher a note, thanking him or her for all they do to instruct our loved one.  Maybe it is taking the time to tell our spouse how much we appreciate all they do each day to make our lives easier. 

The list of those we can encourage is endless.  The key is that we have to be intentional; otherwise opportunities will be missed.  The amazing thing is that as we lift the spirits of others, we will also be blessed.  The reason is that we can’t out-give God…so as we deliberately strive to bless others…we will be blessed in return.

So, let me begin by thanking all of you, my readers, for the love, support and encouragement you have shown me.  I am so humbled that you take your valuable time to read my ramblings.  Some of you I know quite well and there are others whom I have never met.  Regardless, you have blessed me immeasurably and my prayer is that God will shower you with His blessings as you continue on your journey with Him!

“Every time I think of you, I give thanks to my God. Whenever I pray, I make my requests for all of you with joy, for you have been my partners in spreading the Good News about Christ from the time you first heard it until now. And I am certain that God, who began the good work within you, will continue his work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns.”

Philippians 1:3-6


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