Monday, May 17, 2021

Monday Morning Memo: Priorities

Have you ever had a day that just dragged on and on? A day where you thought for sure it had to be at least 2:00 pm, but when you checked the clock and realized it was only 10:00 am, you felt like crying. I have. But to be honest, I have more days that just seem to fly by. Days where, if I just had a couple more hours to work on my to-do list, I just might get caught up. The truth is though, if I was given those extra couple of hours, I probably wouldn’t have the energy to do more work anyway 

The question then becomes, “Is what I’m spending my day doing, making a difference in the light of eternity, or is it just busywork?” I can find many worthwhile tasks to fill my day, but are they duties that the Lord wants me to be doing, or are they the things that I want to do? 

Many years ago, I heard a statement that so spoke to me, I jotted it down and it has been beside my bed ever since. The statement was, “What you prioritize is what you will eventually worship”. If you asked me what or whom I worship, my immediate answer would of course be, I worship God. I’m surely not like those people that I read about in the Old Testament that just kept returning to their idols to worship. How could they be so stupid to bow down to their man-made statues? Isaiah 2:8 sums up what they were doing, “Their land is also full of idols; they worship the work of their own hands, that which their own fingers have made.” It is obvious that they had lost their way; they were more concerned as to what they were doing and what they had achieved, instead of what God had done and what He wanted to accomplish within and through them. 

I’m so glad I’m not like them...or am I? When my life is spiraling out of control and I feel overwhelmed, could it be that I feel that way because my priorities have gotten out of whack? Could it be that my agenda has become the idol that I’m worshipping and I have left God out of the picture? 

As we near the summer months our schedules can become even more hectic as it fills up with ballgames, barbeques and other outdoor activities. I can see this year being even more crazy, because we are all so anxious for life to return to “normal” from Covid.  None of the activities I listed are bad, but we need to be intentional to make sure they don’t become our priority. What message are we sending our children when we make the decision that going to the lake or attending the ballgame on Sunday is more important than worshipping with our brothers and sisters in Christ? What message are our friends receiving from us when they hear us say that we don’t have to go to church on Sunday, because we choose to worship God as we are out in nature; it’s just not necessary to go into a church to give praise to our God. 

I pray that your summer will be filled with all those activities that the warm weather allows you to experience. However, I also pray that you won’t forget Who should be the center of your attention as you go through each day. Allow God to lead, to guide and to prioritize your day. If you do that, you will be able to look back on the summer months, knowing that what you accomplished DID make a difference in the light of eternity. I just can’t think of a better way to spend your days! 

“You must worship no other gods, for the LORD,
whose very name is Jealous,
is a God who is jealous about his relationship with you.” 

Exodus 34:14 (NLT) 

Don’t forget, if you would like to join me in my study of the book of James, you can find my YouTube channelImage Seeker, at  I posted another teaching video this morning, “God’s Power in Us!”.  Check it out today!


If you would like encouraging thoughts to help you in your daily walk with Jesus, check out and “Like” my new Facebook page, “Image Seeker”…you can find it at  


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