Monday, November 15, 2021

Monday Morning Memo: Accomplishing the Impossible

I recently read this statement, “Accomplishing the impossible begins with seeing the invisible.”  These words have my mind churning.  I read something like this, and I immediately agree with what it says…but then living it out doesn’t come so easy.

Why is it so hard for me to see the invisible…especially when it comes to trusting God?  I trust a lot of other things that I cannot see.  I trust that there is a sun in the sky even when it is completely covered by clouds.  I trust there is going to be air to breathe as I go throughout my day, but I can’t see it.  Many times in my life, when I have been pushed into an MRI machine, I have trusted that the pulses of radio wave energy, which I cannot see, will take pictures of areas inside my body.

But trusting an invisible God, even though I have seen the effect of the power of His hand, is much more difficult.  When it comes to trusting Him, I want something tangible.  I want proof.  I want facts.  I want details.  And of course…I want results!

I have a feeling I am not alone in this, and I wonder how often God shakes His head at our ways.  Knowing how much He loves us and how much He wants the very best for us, I can’t help but believe He is saying, “Please my dear child, trust the invisible…because it is much more wonderful than anything you can even imagine or see with your own eyes.” 

I think part of the problem is that we bring God down to our size, instead of realizing how big and powerful He really is.  Nothing is impossible for Him.  Nothing makes Him wring His hands.  Nothing catches Him off guard or even makes Him break a sweat. Absolutely nothing.

What is it in your life today that just seems impossible?  What do you want to see accomplished but you just can’t make yourself step out in faith because there isn’t anything tangible to hold onto?  Remember the size of your God.  What you cannot see…He sees clearly.  What you cannot do…He has already done.  What you cannot achieve on your own…He already has it accomplished and is just waiting for you to step into His plan.  I happen to believe when we do this and when the fog finally clears, what we will behold will be worth the first step into the unknown.

“We don’t yet see things clearly. 

We’re squinting in a fog, peering through a mist. 

But it won’t be long before the weather clears and the sun shines bright! 

We’ll see it all then, see it all as clearly as God sees us, 

knowing him directly just as he knows us!”

1 Corinthians 13:12 (MSG)

By the way…if you haven’t already done so…please check out my latest videos on my YouTube channel, Image Seeker, where we are studying the Fruit of the Spirit.  The next lesson will be posted tomorrow…so make sure you are all caught up!  You can check it out at:

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