Monday, November 8, 2021

Monday Morning Memo: The Wandering Mind...

Do you have problems with your mind wandering?  I sure do.  There are times when I sit down to write my weekly devotional and the next thing I know, I’m thinking about what I need to put on my grocery list, what I’m fixing for dinner or better yet, what restaurant Dan should take me to next   My mind doesn’t wander because I don’t like writing, because I do.  It’s just that I have a lot going on in my life and it is often hard to just focus on one thing.

In my reading this past week, I came across this statement, “Whatever occupies your mind the most becomes your god.”  I read a similar statement several years ago and it convicted me then just as this statement did several days ago.  Both times it made me give some thought to what brainwaves occupy my mind the most.  Are my thoughts wholesome?  Are they selfish?  Are they vindictive?  Are they spiritually based or worldly based? 

The key words in this statement are “the most”.  In other words, all of us have times when our mind wanders and we have trouble focusing, but this is asking us to contemplate what thoughts occupy our mind the most.   They may not be bad thoughts, but whatever they are shows what our main focus is and what our “god” is.  Thinking about our favorite hobby or sport is ok, but if that is the thing we think about the most, it is then our god.  Thinking about making more money is not a bad thing, but if the majority of our thoughts are consumed with getting rich, money then becomes our god.  Exercising is a good thing but, believe it or not, I’ve actually known people who are obsessed with it and as a result, their own bodies become their god. 


We read in Exodus 20:3, “You shall have no other gods before me” and in Matthew 6:24, “No one can serve two masters.  Either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other.  You cannot serve both God and Money.”  Scripture makes it very clear that we are to only worship the one true God; He refuses to take second place in our life but as we have talked before, it is our choice.  We can choose what or who our god is, by the decisions we make and by the thoughts that we allow to permeate our mind.  It is our choice to allow our worries, fears and doubts to control us and become our god. As a result, since we cannot serve two masters, we then send the message to God that He is a liar and cannot be trusted.

As you go through this coming week, take notice of what thoughts are occupying your mind the most.  You may even want to write them down so that at the end of the seven days you can have a clearer picture of what or who your god is.  If it isn’t the one true God, then you need to change your priorities and ask the Holy Spirit to control your thoughts.  He is willing, able, and waiting for your decision.   


By the way…if you haven’t already done so…please check out my latest videos on my YouTube channel, Image Seeker.  We are studying the Fruit of the Spirit and so far, we have studied love, joy & peace.  The next lesson will be posted tomorrow…so make sure you are all caught up!  You can check them out at:

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