Do you ever wonder what in the world we ever did before Google & Siri? Let me say…I’m old enough to know what we did without those search “tools”…we had to rely on good old fashioned research. We used encyclopedias, other books, asked someone who we thought might know the answer, etc. But now, all I have to do is press a button on my phone…ask my question…and in seconds the answer is on my screen. Absolutely amazing.
It's fun to sometimes try and interact with Siri when she answers me. I’ve found that if I thank her for giving me an answer or reminding me to do a certain task…she will respond to me with comments such as “Your welcome” or “Just doing my job”. But one day, her response stopped me in my tracks. When I (out of habit) answered thank you, she said, “I live to serve”.
I stood there staring at my phone looking at those words and wondered if I can say the same thing about my life. Am I really “living to serve”, or am I “living to BE served”? Am I spelling the word as “service” or “serve-us”? Unfortunately, I think our culture screams at us every day that WE should be the focus; WE should demand our rights; WE deserve to be served. And as a result, we have a rising number of people who are satisfied to let the government and those around them take care of all their needs.
But before I point the finger at “those” people, I need to ask myself about me. If I know I am supposed to reflect Christ’s image in everything I do and in every action I make, then I need to begin taking Mark 10:45 more seriously, “For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.” Christ did not come so that He could “get”; He came so He could “give”. And since I am supposed to live as He did, I need to make sure my life is one of service first to Him and then to those around me.
As we go throughout our week, let’s make it a priority to serve others with thankful hearts and out of love for our Lord. If HE is our focus, then it will be much easier to say, “I live to serve”!