Monday, July 17, 2023

Monday Morning Memo: Not My Brightest Moment

I’ve never professed to be a bright person.  Yes, I have some abilities in certain areas…but overall…I’m not exceptionally intelligent.  But some days, more than others…really prove that fact :-) 

My day started with a migraine.  Maybe that should have been my first clue that the day may not go well.  I took some medicine and tried my best to look presentable for a meeting I had that day.  When I left home it was cloudy…and it looked like it might rain…which sort of fit how I was feeling.

As I drove though, the clouds began to part, and the sun eventually came out.  The farther I drove, the worse I was squinting.  Mile after mile, the narrow-er my eyes became and I kept thinking how this was not helping my persistent headache.  Anyone with any brain knows that straining your eyes never helps a throbbing head.

Then it finally happened.  I had a brilliant moment as I remembered that my sunglasses were right next to me.  All I had to do was put them on and the squinting suddenly stopped.  No longer did I have to strain my eyes because I had made the choice to take advantage of something which had been there all along.

As I thought about this later, I realized how often I do the same thing in my walk with Jesus.  A problem arises in my life and I begin to get stressed.  My body tenses and I start to get frustrated.  I’m sure I even squint my eyes in exasperation as I ask God why in the world I’m having to go through this particular “hiccup”.  I’m guessing at this point, He might be shaking His head.

Why?  Because He knows that all I have to do is look to my right, to my left, in front of me and behind me…because He is there, ready and willing to take my hand and walk with me every step of the way.  He tells me in His Word that I don’t even have to handle the problem.  I Peter 5:7 says, “Give all your worries and cares to God, for he cares about you.”   Yep, I have the Creator of the universe…the King of Kings and Lord of Lords right beside me at every moment of my day…but I often neglect to reach for His hand.  

I am so thankful that my Jesus is so patient with me.  He lovingly pulls me close to Him and tells me that He’s got this…that nothing I am facing is a surprise to Him and He surely isn’t wringing His hands in despair.  Whatever circumstance I face is nothing He can’t handle and yes, He can do far more than I can even imagine.  Oh, how blessed I am.

And do you know what?  You are that blessed too.  Whatever you are facing today, I urge you to look around, because Jesus is right there.  He can give you whatever you need, exactly when you need it…so you don’t need to go into distress mode.  You just need to make the choice to turn to the One who is waiting and has been there all along.  

So today, let’s focus on looking at Jesus…instead of our problem.  I happen to think that will be a brilliant move for both of us!

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