Monday, July 3, 2023

Monday Morning Memo: All Is Not Lost!

I have shared before that being a grandma is one of the most fulfilling “roles” with which I have been blessed.  To see their eyes light up as they run in our door…just fills me to the brim and overflowing.

But that of course makes me a “sucker” for taking care of them when I’m asked by my children…even when there is a “caveat” attached.  Let me explain.  Our son came to Dan and me a few weeks ago and asked if we could watch their three children this past week.  He and our daughter-in-law were going out of town on business, so they needed us to care for the kids during that time.  Then our son said, “But there’s something else (insert caveat).  The girls (ages four & six) are signed up for Vacation Bible School that week at our church…so you would need to take them there for the two mornings you have them”.  Their church is 30 minutes away from our home…which meant I would need to have them, along with their 19-month-old brother, up, dressed, fed and out the door by 8:00 am.  Of course we said “Yes” and believe it or not…we actually arrived early both mornings.

This Vacation Bible School was amazing.  You may want to make sure you are sitting down for these next statistics…but there were 450 children who attended and some 300 volunteers!  I stayed for a while the first morning and trust me…it was a well-oiled machine.  Everyone knew their responsibilities and their organization was top notch.  I was so impressed with the number of youth who were also volunteering.  I loved watching them interact with the younger children.  One young man was walking along the long line of parents and children who were waiting to sign in…and fist bumping all the kids and showing them tricks with his hula hoop.  The excitement on the kids’ faces was contagious!

Why am I sharing these details with you?  Because we are constantly bombarded with negative news.  Even some of my recent blog posts have been disheartening…and it is so easy to become discouraged and feel like there isn’t any hope.  I’m here to tell you that ALL IS NOT LOST!  There are positive things happening all around us and God continues to work in a mighty way.  There are still churches who have a heart for kids.  There are still youth and adults who are willing to give of their precious time to teach and love children.  And there are still parents who want their children to learn Biblical truths which will last a lifetime.  

So, I want to give a shout-out today to Emmanuel Community Church for seeing the importance of pouring into the lives of our children.  Did it take many, many hours of preparation?  Yes.  Did it probably mess up their building with so many children running the halls?  Yes.  Did it take time away from their staff as they also helped teach the children?  Yes.  Was it worth all of this? YES.  As a grandparent who saw the faces of five of my grandchildren (three more of my grandchildren also attended) as they came running out afterwards…it was definitely worth it.

I also want to give a shout-out to the parents who saw the importance of having their children attend a VBS.  I understand that there were probably parents who saw this as a babysitting time…but I can’t imagine a better place to take them!  I’m confident that the children learned things that will come back to their minds for many years to come.  As we read in Proverbs 22:6, “Direct your children onto the right path, and when they are older they will not leave it.”  Children have minds like sponges and it is so important to make sure they are “absorbing” truths each and every day.  So parents…I urge you to find a church home and take your kids with you.  There are many churches (mine included!) who have a heart for kids and I can’t think of any better place to have them involved than a Bible believing, Christ-centered church!

Was I tired after my adorable, precious children went home?  Yep, sure was.  But it was worth every minute of getting up early and taking them to Vacation Bible School because I know they had a blast and learned Biblical truths…and to be honest…I needed to be reminded that All Is Not Lost!

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