Monday, June 3, 2024

Monday Morning Memo: The Look


Oh, I remember it well.  I don’t think it happened often…but then again maybe it did, and it is just a part of my past which I have conveniently forgotten.  I’m guessing it took place at some point in your years of growing up also because, more than likely, all of us at some point were the recipients of “the look”.

Yep, we’ve all been there.  Maybe it was when we were sitting in church and whispering and giggling with our friends took precedence over listening to the sermon.  Maybe it was when we were out in public with our parents and our behavior looked more like we were raised by wolves instead of by hard-working adults.  Regardless of the situation, many of us can remember those times when all our mom or dad had to do was give us “the look”…and we knew we better straighten up or sitting down might be rather painful for awhile 

Memories of those days came flooding back to me one day when I was reading scripture.  It was a passage which I have read many, many times before, but on this particular day, a sentence jumped off the page at me.  It was the story of Peter denying that he knew Jesus three different times.  We pick up the story in Luke 22:59 when someone recognizes Peter for the final time, “About an hour later someone else insisted, ‘This must be one of them, because he is a Galilean, too.’  But Peter said, ‘Man, I don’t know what you are talking about.’  And immediately, while he was still speaking, the rooster crowed.  At that moment the Lord turned and looked at Peter.  Suddenly, the Lord’s words flashed through Peter’s mind: ‘Before the rooster crows tomorrow morning, you will deny three times that you even know me.’”

What stood out to me when I was reading was the fact that the Lord gave Peter “the look”.  I just can’t imagine the despair which went through Peter at that moment.  Jesus had forewarned him…but I doubt Peter thought he was capable of doing such a thing.  But he did…and as a result, all Jesus could do was look into his eyes.  Immediately, Peter felt shame like he had never known before.  Jesus didn’t scream or yell...all He did was look.

I wonder what Jesus was thinking as He looked at Peter.  Peter’s actions weren’t a surprise to Him, so we know He wasn’t shocked.  And, I have a hard time believing that Jesus was thinking, “I told you so, Peter.  I told you that you would fail me.  Way to go Peter…can’t you do anything right?”  I just don’t think His thoughts were condemning.  If I had to guess, I’m thinking that maybe the words which were going through His mind were, “Peter, even though you deny me…I will never deny you.  My grace and love are sufficient, even when you choose to turn away from Me.”

I’m so thankful that those same thoughts are true for me too.  Just like Peter, there have been times when I have let Jesus down…doing things which aren’t pleasing in His sight or neglecting to stand up for Him when given the opportunity.  I’m sure in those moments, He has given me His look…a look not filled with revenge but with grace and love…a look which I don’t deserve…but He’s freely given.

Maybe you are struggling today because you feel like you have done things which can’t be forgiven.  Maybe your past continues to haunt you and you picture Jesus giving you a look of disgust and rejection.  Take time to look into His eyes once again…His grace and forgiveness are sufficient to cover your transgressions.

After he denied His Lord three times, Peter was the one chosen to give the first sermon, explaining from Scripture who Jesus really was and why he had died.  Many were saved because of his words.  If the Lord could continue to use Peter in mighty ways even after his failings…He can surely use you and me for His glory.  So, look up my friend…His loving eyes are fixed on you!


“I will instruct you and teach you 

in the way you should go;

I will counsel you with my loving eye on you.”

Psalm 32:8

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