Monday, June 10, 2024

Monday Morning Memo: No Excuses

Have you ever noticed how often we tend to use the word “but” in our day?  I know it’s time to get up…but I’m just too tired.  I love my job…but my boss is just too hard on me.  I’m so thankful for my kids…but they sure drive me crazy sometimes.  I know the person who works next to me needs the Lord…but I’m sure I’m not the one to tell him.  We say one thing…but we often feel the need to clarify what we said.


I’ve been thinking a lot about the word “but”.  The reason is I’ve heard myself say it over and over again.  I know I just need to trust…but…and then I’ve given an excuse as to why it’s too hard.  I know I need to trust God for my family’s or friend’s difficulties…but…I love them so much and I want to just fix things. I know I need to trust God with my health…but…I’ve been through so much and what if I get worse?    I know I need to trust God for whatever happens today and tomorrow…but…I’m so scared of what might occur that will be out of my control.


Bingo.  I have a hard time trusting God…because I want to be in control.  To completely trust Him, means I take my hands off any situation I am facing, and allow Him to be the One with the steering wheel.  It means I don’t just say I trust Him, and then keep taking the reins back over, trying to manipulate Him to do what I think is best.  It means I trust Him to work out every detail…in His timing…and for His honor and glory.


When I look at this logically, I have to ask myself, Why?


1.      Why wouldn’t I trust Him with my health, since He is the One who “made all the delicate, inner parts of my body and knit me together in my mother’s womb.”  (Psalm 139:13)


2.    Why wouldn’t I trust Him with my family or friends, since believe it or not, He loves them even more than I do.  Not only did He create me, He created them too, and knows everything about them.

3.    Why wouldn’t I trust Him with my today and my tomorrow, since His Word tells me to, “Trust in the Lord with all my heart; do not depend on my own understanding.  Seek his will in all I do, and he will show me which path to take.”  (Proverbs 3:5-6)


So today… I. Will. Trust. God.  Period.  No ands, ifs or buts.  No excuses, no rationalizations, no manipulation.  He alone is worthy of my complete trust, and honestly, He really doesn’t need any help from me J


What about you?  Do you find yourself saying that you trust God…but…your actions show something entirely different?  Why not leave the driving to Him today.  Your path may not take you where you think you should go…but…I’m confident your destination will put you exactly where He wants you to be. 

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