Monday, June 24, 2024

Monday Morning Memo: Talk Less?

I love to talk.  That statement will not be a shock to those of you who know me personally.  I’m very rarely at a loss for words…whether they have meaning or not…I usually can think of something to say.  Sometimes this is a blessing and sometimes a curse, because too much talking can easily lead to putting my foot in my mouth by saying the wrong thing.


It probably doesn’t help that sometimes people actually pay me to talk.  Isn’t that crazy?  I am paid to stand in front of them and do what I love to do.  That just blows me away.  When I think about it, I feel humbled and incredibly blessed.


I was thinking about this one day when I read a section of scripture in the Bible.  Matthew 17:1-5 says, “Six days later Jesus took Peter and the two brothers, James and John, and led them up a high mountain to be alone.  As the men watched, Jesus’ appearance was transformed so that his face shone like the sun, and his clothes became as white as light. Suddenly, Moses and Elijah appeared and began talking with Jesus.  


Peter exclaimed, ‘Lord, it’s wonderful for us to be here!  If you want, I’ll make three shelters as memorials – one for you, one for Moses, and one for Elijah.’


But even as he spoke, a bright cloud overshadowed them, and a voice from the cloud said, ‘This is my dearly loved Son, who brings me great joy.  Listen to him.’”


You see, Peter and I have a lot in common.  I think he loved to talk too, and in this account, he couldn’t wait to jump in, take charge and tell Jesus his idea.  Yep, that would be me.  But did you catch what the scripture says right after Peter shares his thoughts?  It says, “But even as he spoke”.  So, before Peter is even done talking, God interrupts him and tells him to be quiet and listen to what Jesus has to say. 


Wow.  I wonder how often God has tried to get across to me that I should be quiet and listen because Jesus has something important to tell me…but I’m too preoccupied with trying to get my point across to Him.  How often do I just keep rambling on and on and I neglect to hear what He has to say to me?  Maybe what I’m trying to tell Him…wouldn’t seem so urgent…if I was listening to what His thoughts were first. 


It makes me wonder what our world would be like, if more of us made a point to do more listening to our Heavenly Father.  I can’t help but think it would be a better place…a place with less stress because our thoughts and ways would be more in line with what He wants for us.  Maybe we wouldn’t get off course so easily, if we listened before we talked…listened before we acted. 


Today I’m going to try to talk less and listen more.  I really do want to know what Jesus is trying to tell me.  Plus, it just might give my husband a break too…so I’ll be killing two birds with one stone J

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