Monday, December 14, 2015

Monday Morning Memo - Be Watching...Be Listening

This past week, Dan and I had the opportunity to serve at Samaritan’s Purse in Boone, NC.  At their facility, we pack shoeboxes for Operation Christmas Child, which distributes these boxes all over the world to children who, more than likely, have never before received a gift.  This was our fourth year to do this and it seems like each year is more meaningful than the one before.

This year, the Lord used those days to remind me of something that is very easy for me to forget.  We arrived on Tuesday, our second day, ready to go to work.  The building was very large and there were many lines going at the same time…with anywhere from 13 – 15 people working on each line.  On this particular day, we were taken to one of the lines and introduced to our leaders for the day.  Each line has two leaders that oversee the work, to make sure that everything is done according to their high standards.  Our leaders gave us their instructions and we began our work.

After a while, one of the leaders, Toni, came to my station and struck up a conversation with me.  She told me that of all the jobs that are done, the one that I was doing is her least favorite.  I told her that because of my bad back and my four past surgeries, this job was perfect for me because I could either sit or stand to do it.  She then got a shocked look on her face, hugged me and tears could soon be seen in her eyes.

Honestly, I wondered what I had said to cause this reaction and she soon explained.  Toni looked at her watch and said that in three hours her mother, Peggy, would be having her third back surgery after being homebound for 9 months due to her severe pain.  Toni was struggling with having to work and not being able to be by her side in the hospital.  Hearing that I had faced the same thing and could understand what she and her mother were going through, had touched a cord within her.  She asked if I would pray for her mother and I assured her that I would definitely be lifting her up to the Father while I worked. 

Sometime later, she came and asked if she could take my picture so that she could send it to her father.  She wanted her parents to know that there was someone who understood their struggle and was praying for them.

It was at that moment that I felt the Lord reminding me that He can use my struggles to be a blessing to someone else.  Many times I have questioned as to why I have had to endure multiple health problems, but then something like this happens and I have my answer.  I believe that some of my difficulties aren’t meant to teach me anything…they are meant to help someone else in their journey.

Little did I know that 24 hours later, the table would turn.  I woke up at 3 a.m. Wednesday morning with pain in my neck and a migraine.  I spent the rest of the night trying to get the pain to subside, but had little relief.  Being the stubborn person that I am, I decided to go ahead and attempt working with my group.  I kept thinking that surely the Lord would touch me since my desire was to serve for another day.  I also wanted to be at the processing center because I wanted to get an update on how Peggy was doing following her surgery.

We arrived at the facility and once again, the Lord arranged for us to work on Toni’s line.  As soon as she saw me, she told me that the surgery had gone very well and that they were hopeful that it was going to greatly lessen her mom’s pain.  I just couldn’t have been more thrilled to hear this news.

Unfortunately, within an hour of arriving, I knew that it was going to be impossible to continue.  I excused myself from our line and went over to the break area, hoping that if I just sat still for a while I could return to my work.  Within minutes, I saw Toni come around the corner and she sat down across from me.  She asked what was going on and as soon as I shared with her my struggle, she came around and sat next to me.  She wrapped her arms around me and she began praying, lifting me up to the Father.  I was so touched by her love and concern for me.  As a result of what her family was going through, she could understand how I was feeling and chose to use that for His glory.

Toni needed to get back to her responsibilities, so she asked another staff member to keep an eye on me.   She told her that I had become her surrogate mother and wanted to make sure I was taken care of.  

I wish I could tell you that I was instantly healed and could return to working alongside my group, but I wasn’t.  To make a long story shorter…Dan had to take me back to our hotel and my day was spent there.  I later found out that after we left. Toni went back to our line and asked everyone to cease working for a moment so that they could all pray for me.  I felt humbled and overwhelmed.

Was this a coincidence that we were put on Toni’s line two days in a row?  Was it just by chance that she struck up a conversation with me and I shared with her some of my health issues…that just happened to be very similar issues that her family was dealing with on that exact day?  Was it just a fluke that Toni came over to me at the break area and took the time to minister to me at a very painful time?  The answer is a resounding NO to each of these questions!  Once again, the Lord knew what and who each of us needed during our time of difficulty.

Are you going through a time of distress right now and wondering why in the world the Lord has allowed your journey to be so difficult?  I don’t presume to know the answer but I do know that whatever you are facing can be used for His glory.  You may not be able to see that today, but the day may come when you will be able to help someone else because of what you have been through.  So many are struggling, feeling like they are all alone and that no one understands.  You may be the one to be “Jesus with skin on” when they are in their darkest hour.  Be watching.  Be listening.  Follow His lead and I can guarantee that not only will you bless others…you will be blessed in return!

By the way, I checked on Peggy yesterday and she is doing well following her surgery.  Toni reported that the surgery has seemed to cut her nerve pain by more than 50%! She has pain from the surgery itself, but that will resolve soon. Toni told me that her mom is a very social woman and the day after the surgery she was scooting all over the hospital visiting with anyone who would chat with her.  What an answer to prayer. 

May I ask a favor?  As you go throughout your day, if the Lord brings Peggy to your mind, would you please lift her up to the Father?  Even though you don’t know her…He does and I’m sure she would appreciate your prayers for a complete recovery.  Isn’t it wonderful that we serve a God who has no boundaries and is never separated from us?  He knows each of His children intimately and I’m confident that it brings Him great joy when we lift each other up in our prayers.

“He comforts us in all our troubles so that we can comfort others. When they are troubled, we will be able to give them the same comfort God has given us.”
2 Corinthians 1:4

“Give, and it will be given to you. You will have more than enough. It can be pushed down and shaken together and it will still run over as it is given to you. The way you give to others is the way
you will receive in return.”

Luke 6:38

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