Monday, October 10, 2016

Monday Morning Memo: Choosing To Laugh

I am reading the Bible through this year in chronological order and I have finally arrived in the New Testament!  Yes, I know there are many things to learn by reading the Old Testament…but I always get excited when I can begin reading about the arrival of baby Jesus and then everything that transpired as He walked this earth.

I was struck this past week by the many miracles that He performed. Time and time again, He did the unbelievable.  From turning water into wine to healing the lame…Jesus amazed those with whom He came in contact.  Oh how wonderful it would have been to be there and to see with my own eyes His ability to take the most desperate situation and turn it into a victory!

It’s so easy for me though, to read these accounts of His life and think that those kinds of miracles only happened back in “those days”.  I can easily fall into the trap of thinking that they were reserved for only those people who walked with Him when He was in physical form.  Sure, Christ had the power to handle any situation that came up back then…but again…that’s because it was during the Biblical times.  We are now in 2016 and life is much harder than it was 2000 years ago and so we can’t expect Him to be able to work in our lives the way He did for our ancestors back in the olden days.

You may laugh at my thinking…but this must be what is rattling around in my brain because if I’m honest, there are many times when my actions prove this to be true.  When I face a difficult situation…I stress out.  When my life takes an unexpected detour…I freak out.  When my health has a “hiccup” occur…I spaz out.  Time and time again…I show by my actions that I don’t believe I serve a Savior that is able to handle anything that comes my way.

I saw this graphic last week and at first it made me laugh…and then the reality of it hit home.  How many times do I look at something I am facing and act as though it is too big for even God to handle?  Unfortunately, way too often.  Instead of keeping my eyes on Him and resting in His power, strength and ability to do far more than I can even imagine…I succumb to Satan’s lie that my circumstances are just too much for God to handle.  It’s hard to admit it, but it is true.

I’ve asked God to sear the words of this graphic in my mind so that when I am tempted to react as if He isn’t able to handle my life…I will learn to laugh.  It is so absurd to think that the One who created the universe…healed the blind…healed the lame…raised the dead…can’t handle what life throws at me.  Yep, absolutely ridiculous to think that way.  So today…I will choose to laugh.

Are you facing something today that you think is just too big for God to handle?  Think again…and then laugh!  

 “Now all glory to God, who is able, through his mighty power at work within us, to accomplish infinitely more than we might ask or think.”
Ephesians 3:20

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