Thursday, November 2, 2017

In His Arms

Yes I usually only ramble on Mondays…but I’ve felt drawn to write today.  It’s been a rough few days with pain and not much sleep and to be honest, I’ve been pretty discouraged.  My mind tells me that discouragement shouldn’t even be on my radar…that I know that my Jesus is right beside me, walking with me every step of the way.  I mean…come on…I’m a Christian so shouldn’t I be singing, “Count Your Blessings” and sharing the joy of the Lord no matter what?

Yes, I should be counting my blessings and I’ve spent a lot of time today going over them in my mind.  I do have so much to be thankful for and I know that I have been blessed beyond measure.  But I’ll let you in on a secret…even Christians go through difficult times and I think too often we think we shouldn’t admit that…that we should just put on our happy face and not let others see the true us. 

I think Jesus wants us to be real, not fake.  I think the world needs to see that even though we go through times of discouragement, we have our Jesus to turn to.  Because I know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that even in the valleys…my Jesus is there.  Even when the tears fall…my Jesus is there.  Even when the pain consumes me…my Jesus is there.  And yes, even when I am discouraged…my Jesus is there.

Psalm 56:8 has been going through my mind today. “You keep track of all my sorrows.  You have collected all my tears in your bottle.  You have recorded each one in your book.”  Yes, I’ve kept my Jesus busy the last few days collecting my tears and writing them down.   He understands.  He is right here with me.  And I know He will see me through.

But for the moment…I’m just going to let Him hold me for a while.  Because there is no other place that I would rather be than in the arms of my Jesus.

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