Monday, December 31, 2018

Monday Morning Memo: Dancing Dots

Several months ago, I was sitting with my four-year-old grandson and we were texting his aunt, my oldest daughter.  After we sent her a text, Elias got all excited and said, “Grandma!  Dancing dots…dancing dots!”  At first, I had no idea what in the world he was talking about, but then I looked at my phone’s screen and I suddenly realized what was causing his excitement.  While Erica was answering our text, there were three dots on my screen that were moving. That told us that she was currently in the process of writing her answer to our text.  

Elias was so thrilled because he knew that those dancing dots meant Aunt Erica was writing us back and he could hardly contain himself.  He knew something good was coming…he knew that his beloved aunt wanted to “talk” to him.

As we face the start of a new year, I’m guessing that some of you are excited because you can hardly wait to see what Jesus has in store for you in 2019.  At this point, you are just watching the “dancing dots”...knowing He has each 24 hours planned and will be in conversation with you each and every day.  You know He loves you and wants to have constant dialogue with you and you are just waiting with anticipation as to what Jesus will accomplish through you in the year ahead.

Then, I am also fairly confident that there are some of you who aren’t a bit excited about the coming year.  You aren’t even looking for the “dancing dots”…because you are convinced that Jesus wants nothing to do with you.  You’ve listened to Satan’s bullying as he’s told you that you aren’t worth conversing with our Heavenly Father.   He’s told you that your past is filled with actions and behaviors that Jesus would never forgive.  You are facing 2019 with no hope…no peace…no excitement…and definitely no dancing dots.

I want you to know that what Satan is filling your ears with, couldn’t be further from the truth.  Jesus loves you so much and wants to spend time with you every day.  He wants 2019 to be the best year of your life…filled with moments and events that will make you look more and more like Him.  He created you in His image and there isn’t anything you can do to stop Him from loving you.  You don’t have to clean up your act before He will love you…He loves you just the way you are…but loves you too much to allow you to wallow in your sin.  He is just waiting for you to realize your need for Him and ask Him to take control of your life.

Jesus wants us to wait with excitement as He unfolds His plans for us this coming year.  The question then becomes…are we anxiously watching and waiting for his “dancing dots”?  I am and I sure hope you are too!

Happy New Year! 

“Trust God from the bottom of your heart;
don’t try to figure out everything on your own.
Listen for God’s voice in everything you do, everywhere you go;
he’s the one who will keep you on track.”
Proverbs 3:5-6 (MSG)

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