Monday, June 22, 2015

MMM 6.22.15 - A Positive Attitude Part 4

I have been sharing the past few weeks three steps that we need to take to have a more positive attitude.  I have written about looking inward, upward and outward. Finally today I think it is important that we look downward.

No I haven’t lost my mind.  I know that usually when you think of looking downward, it sounds like you are discouraged or depressed.  But I think our final look needs to be a downward look at our feet and this just might be the most important part of our journey. 

It is important that we always keep tabs on where we are headed in our life.  What steps can we take to improve our health, our family, our career, our outlook and our relationship with Christ?  Have we become stagnant in those areas…doing the same thing over and over again?  Are we willing to step out of our comfort zone to make us and those around us better?  I’m sorry to say that too many people live in a rut because that feels safe and they fear the unknown.  And as a result they can easily become bored, depressed and out of touch with the world that is going on around them.

We read in Joshua 1:9  “This is my command—be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”  In 2 Timothy 1:7 it says,  “For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline.”

With God’s power in us, there isn’t anything that we can’t do!  God promises that if He tells us to take a step that is WAY out of our comfort zone…He will be holding our hand every step of the way!!

I think what is sad is that we don’t make our children step out of their comfort zones either.   It’s so easy to want to protect them and coddle them and so we do whatever we have to do to make sure the little darlings aren’t stressed at all.  The problem is that those kids grow up and then as adults they still expect someone else to take care of things for them and they aren’t equipped to face the unknown.

I share in my devotional book, Image Seeker, about the year 1989.  I remember it like it was yesterday.  Our first-born child was heading off to kindergarten and excitement was in the air. Friends often asked me how I was handling this first milestone in the life of our daughter, and I would always reply that we were all ready.  Erica was a very bright child who carried on wonderful conversations with adults at the age of two, so by five she was ready for the challenge - or so we thought!    
The first day of school arrived and the movie camera was rolling.  A day like this just had to be recorded so that we could relive the happy memories for years to come.  My husband got into position to capture the moment on film as I walked Erica out to meet the big yellow school bus. As we neared the road, her precious little hand squeezed mine with all her might.  I looked down, and her beautiful big eyes told the whole story - the reality of leaving home to enter the big world without her mom and dad was taking its toll.

We approached the bus door and I gave a big smile and wave to the bus driver.  I told Erica goodbye and helped her onto the bus so she could begin her years of education.  Unfortunately, Erica had different plans.  As I backed away from the bus, she jumped back off and ran to me, falling into my arms, crying uncontrollably.  I’m not sure whose heart was hurting worse at that time – hers or mine – but I knew what I had to do.  Once again, I put her back on the bus and yes, once again, off she came.  At that point, fighting back tears myself, I had to enlist the help of the bus driver.  I placed Erica on the bus for the third time and the driver held onto her as she closed the door and drove off.

As hard as it was, I knew that day that I had to make Erica face the unknown.  It would have been so much easier on me to let her stay home under my watchful eye.  But I knew that what seemed easier for me on that day, wouldn’t be the best thing for Erica’s future.  Part of starting school was learning that just like a turtle, we will never make it very far in life unless we learn to stick out our necks!

When Erica graduated from college with a teaching degree, she decided to move to North Carolina on her own, knowing absolutely no one in that state.  I doubt she would have ever felt equipped and ready to do that if she wouldn’t have been made to face the unknown growing up.

Trust me when I say that you will have more opportunities to see your life as half full, if you let go and allow your kids to step out of their comfort zone and if you allow God to push you out of your comfort zone.

Is stepping out of your comfort zone scary at times?  You bet it is.  Is it worth it?  It definitely is.  I could tell you story after story of times in my life when I made the choice to allow my feet to go places I thought I would never go and each experience has helped me to appreciate life even more.  Each situation has pushed me and challenged me and helped me to see my cup not just half full, but many times overflowing.

Conrad Hilton said, “Success seems to be connected with action.  Successful people keep moving.  They make mistakes, but they don’t quit.”  Sometimes we aren’t successful in doing what we are supposed to do, because we refuse to get our heiney off the couch!  We become paralyzed and many times fear overcomes us and we do nothing.  We need to put the gear in drive and start moving.  We need to let go of those things that are causing us to fear so we can get moving!

Why not spend some time this week looking downward?  My guess is that your cup will begin to overflow and life will take on a much more positive outlook as you allow your feet to step wherever God leads!

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