Monday, August 17, 2015

Monday Morning Memo: Being a "Do-Bee" Part 1

When I was growing up, there was a program that I loved to watch.  I can still remember sitting on the floor with my eyes glued to the television set, watching as each program would open with a greeting from the hostess and the Pledge of Allegiance.  Then the hostess, along with a group of children would play games, exercise and sing songs that would usually teach a moral lesson.  The name of the show was Romper Room and it was a children’s program that ran in the United States from 1953 – 1994.

The hostess would always serve milk and cookies to the children and a prayer was said before they ate.  The famous Romper Room prayer was, “God is great, God is good.  Let us thank Him for our food. Amen.”  Yes, those surely were the good old days.

Probably one of my favorite segments was when the character Mr. Do-Bee, who was a bumblebee, came to teach the children how to properly behave.  He always started his sentences with the words “Do Bee”.  For example, he would say, “Do Bee good boys and girls for your parents.”    Of course, they also had a Mr. Don’t Bee who would always show the children how they shouldn’t behave. 
These lessons learned at a young age really stuck with me and I would often bring them up to my children as they were growing up.  It wasn’t uncommon for them to hear me say, “Don’t be a Don’t Bee….be a Do Bee”.  Of course as they aged, I would often get the “eye roll” from them as soon as these words would leave my lips!

You can imagine then how thrilled I was this past week when one of my daughters texted me and told me about a positive thing she had done that day for someone else.  The text ended with the words, “I’m being a doobie (how do you spell that?)” and I laughed out loud.  I wrote her back and told her that her spelling was just fine and how very proud I was of her.  I’m sure she thought I was kidding…but I really couldn’t have been more proud of her at that moment.

Life throws a bunch of garbage at us on a daily basis and each of us has a choice to make.  We can, with God’s help, make the decision to make a difference in our world, which will impact eternity.  Or we can go against what God has called us to do and make decisions that grieve Him and cause us to turn our back on Him. 

Daily choices.  That’s what it comes down to.  In each instance and in each circumstance, we can choose to either be a “Do Bee” or a “Don’t Bee”.  That may seem rather simplistic, but it really is that basic.  I think it is so easy for us to become overwhelmed, trying to understand the whole picture of our lives and we neglect to realize that all God is asking us to do, is make each decision today for Him.

I don’t know about you…but I sure hope that when God calls me home to spend eternity with Him, He will say, “Well done, my good and faithful servant.  I’m so proud that you chose to be a “Do Bee” for me.”

17 “And whatever you do or say,
do it as a representative of the Lord Jesus,
giving thanks through him to God the Father.”

23” Work willingly at whatever you do,
as though you were working for the Lord
rather than for people.
24 Remember that the Lord will give you
an inheritance as your reward,
and that the Master you are serving is Christ.”
Colossians 3:17, 23-24

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