Monday, August 3, 2015

Monday Morning Memo

Well, I did it again.  I told myself that I would never do it again…and then I did.  I woke up on a recent morning and I barely had my eyes open…and I started fretting.  After spending the week at the hospital with my mother-in-law, I was way behind on everything else.  So on this particular start to the day, I chose to spaz out instead of trust.

I made my way to my library to begin my day with Jesus.  I have learned that no matter how full my schedule is, I need to make this quiet time a priority.  I turned to Isaiah and read my verses for the day.  Then I picked up a devotional book (Trusting God Day by Day by Joyce Meyer) that I read from every day and wouldn’t you know it, the verse for the day was Philippians 4:13: “For I can do everything through Christ, who gives me strength.”  The first few sentences in the devotional read, “One thought that has the power to transform your life is simple: I can do whatever I need to do in life through Christ.  In other words, I can handle whatever life hands me.  I wonder – do you believe you can do whatever you need to do in life?”

Hit between the eyes again…I felt like Jesus was physically sitting beside me asking me that question.  Did I really believe that I could do whatever I needed to do, since He has promised to give me His strength?  Or was I going to go throughout my day just barely hanging on?

Right then and there…I stopped and gave my day to Jesus.  I told Him that I had no idea how I was going to get everything done, but that I was going to rely on His strength to accomplish whatever He wanted me to do.  

When I started to feel stressed as I went through my day, I whispered a prayer, “Jesus, this is your day so give me what I need.”  Each time I felt peace again and I felt His presence refresh me.  The results amazed me.  By noon I had accomplished what I thought would take me all day.  By evening I had more things checked off my “to-do” list and even though I was tired, I felt so blessed to have walked through my day on His power.

But He had one more lesson to remind me of that day.  As I knelt down to wash the window on one of our front doors, I noticed small handprints on the glass.  Not just any handprints, but those of my precious grandson.  I stopped and just stared at them for awhile and I really felt Jesus whispering, “LuAnn, always keep in mind what is really important in life. Things don’t mean anything, but people do.  Don’t ever get too busy to where you overlook those whom I have put in your path.  They have an eternity ahead…where they end up just might depend on you.”

Are you facing a day that seems to be more than you can handle?  Are you trying to deal with a medical diagnosis that has you overwhelmed?  Has a huge detour suddenly hit you broadside and you are hanging on by a thread?  Remember, “For I can do everything through Christ, who gives me strength.”  Not some things… not a few things…not even most things.  Everything.  If He has promised it, you can take it to the bank that He will see you through.  And while you are leaning on Him and being fueled by His power, look around for whom He places in your path.  They may just need to see Him working through you and strengthening you with every step.  Their eternity just might depend on it.

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