Monday, August 31, 2015

Monday Morning Memo: The Best Laid Plans...

This past week was not what I expected.  What I had planned…didn’t happen.  But what I hadn’t planned…did.

I shared with you last Tuesday in “Who is your ‘Who’?” that I took an unexpected tumble and was suffering the consequences.  Unfortunately that wasn’t the end of the story, because later that same day my husband was working in our garden and also hurt his back.  Let’s just say our home has resembled a nursing home ever since.

There would never be a good time for this to happen, but there might have been a more convenient time.  You see, we were supposed to leave on vacation on Saturday, but by Thursday evening it was obvious that neither of us were going to be able to sit in a car for any length of time.  We probably could have made the trip by stopping often to walk around, but we were afraid we would get to our destination and then not be able to do anything but lay in a horizontal position.

So we made the decision that it was best to delay our trip.  As disappointed as we were, we knew that we had to be realistic and consider the consequences of doing things we knew we shouldn’t do.  No trip would be worth it if we further damaged our health. 

As I was resting on one of the days, I came across this quote from Corrie Ten Boom, 

“When a train goes through a 
tunnel and it gets dark, you 
don’t throw away the ticket 
and jump off.  You sit still 
and trust the Engineer.”

This just confirmed what I already knew…Corrie Ten Boom was a very wise woman.

I don’t think it was a coincidence that I read this quote while I was resting from my fall.  Our unexpected detour was obviously not earth shattering, but it still put before us a choice to make.  We could pout and mope and throw a fit, or we could trust that this was in the Lord’s plan and rest in the fact that His timing is always perfect.

Why is it so hard sometimes to remember this?  Why is it that often times, when things don’t go our way in life…when darkness seems to surround us and our plans take on an unexpected detour, we are so quick to want to jump off the train?  We often seem to demonstrate that we have no staying power.  I think part of the problem is that we are such an instant society, where we expect everything to happen right now and we don’t want to experience anything that isn’t in our plan and on our time schedule!

I think it comes down to the fact that we don’t always trust our “Engineer”.  We think we know best and so when life deals us a raw deal and we don’t get our way, we immediately think our “Engineer” doesn’t know what He is doing.  So because we feel He must be inept, we decide to jump off the train…go our own way and handle things ourselves.  Unfortunately, we hate to sit still and so we think running is a better option.

As most of us know, this is not a wise decision to make but we see that much more clearly when things are going smoothly.  It’s when our journey takes an unexpected turn that we have the choice to either trust in God completely, or turn away from Him and handle things on our own.

The best laid plans of mice and men (and women!) often go awry.  What a true statement.  No matter how carefully we plan and make sure our ducks are in order…something often goes wrong.  The reason for this is in this statement…they are sometimes the plans of men not of God.   It is so important that we are sensitive to His leading and make sure our plans are His and not ours.  At times it’s just a matter of being flexible enough to change our plans when He presents before us a new agenda.

Last week’s events weren’t on my calendar and I’m wondering what unexpected tunnels I will be directed to go through this week. I’m praying that whatever comes across my path, I will put my full trust in the One who engineers my every step and can see the way even in my “tunnels”.  He has shown me over and over that His plans are much better than mine and there are times when my job is just to sit still and give Him my complete trust.  Will you join me in making the commitment to “stay on the train” this week and allow Him to direct our path?

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart,
and do not lean on your own understanding.”

“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous.
Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed,
for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”

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