Monday, July 6, 2015

MMM - 7.6.15

Today in my Monday Morning Memo, I feel led to share with you a little bit about my journey and also share a praise with you.  As some of my readers know, I have Hypermobility Syndrome.  If you are not familiar with this syndrome, you are not alone because it is not a well-known condition.  Many doctors are not very familiar with it either.  I had never heard of it before being diagnosed in 2008, but this diagnosis was something I had searched for for many years.

The basic problem with this syndrome is that I lack Type ll collagen in my body.  Since collagen is what holds your body together, not having it can cause all kinds of problems.  For the 28 years prior to my diagnosis, I spent many hours in doctors’ offices as they tried to figure out why my body didn’t act like it should.  Over and over I was told that my body was not normal…I was wired backwards…anything that was considered a standard treatment for most people never worked for me.  I endured many surgeries, many kinds of treatments, saw a variety of doctors and while some were able to help for a short time, we were never given any kind of diagnosis until 2008.

There is no cure for this condition, they just teach you how to live with it.  So there are a variety of things that I would never think of doing because I know that doing them would possibly land me on an operating table…and I avoid that as much as possible!  After four back surgeries, I am well aware that the wrong move can herniate a disc rather easily; so behaving has been a priority.

Last summer my condition began to worsen.  I started having more and more headaches and overall body pain; both signs of the hypermobility syndrome taking its toll.  I spent time in the office of my pain specialist receiving steroid injections and also hours in physical therapy.  I gave up working outside in my flowerbeds and mowing…which are things I absolutely love to do.  Finally last winter, I was told that there really wasn’t more that could be done…the shots weren’t having any positive effect and they had done all they could do with therapy.  Knowing that many people with this end up in the wheelchair due to the intense pain that this syndrome can cause, I began feeling a little panicky that I was headed in that direction.

At that point I felt like I didn’t have much to lose, so I decided to seek a more natural, non-chemical route to alleviate my pain or to at least get it to the place that it was manageable.  I really believe that God led me in the direction that I went, guiding and directing my every step and every decision. 

Fast forward to this spring and summer and I have spent hours working in my flowerbeds and garden and have now been able to mow twice in the last week.  My headaches are few and far between and my body pain has lessened considerably.  But the highlight came at my chiropractor appointment this past week.  My doctor, who has been with me for 26 years, adjusted me and then said, “You definitely needed some adjusting, but it was if I was adjusting a normal person with a normal body.”

Normal??  I never thought I would ever hear those words said in a positive way concerning my body.  What an answer to prayer and what a testament to God’s healing touch in my life.

I still have Hypermobility Syndrome and I still know that a disc can go out of place in a moment’s notice.  I also know to be sensible in what I do and not be careless in my actions.  But I refuse to worry about the next moment, I am going to enjoy where I’m at today with the health the Lord has given me.  I am so thankful that He is allowing me somewhat of a reprieve from the intense pain and discomfort and I want to give Him all the glory, honor and praise today!

“I will exalt you, my God and King,
    and praise your name forever and ever.
I will praise you every day;
    yes, I will praise you forever.
Great is the Lord! He is most worthy of praise!
    No one can measure his greatness.
Let each generation tell its children of your mighty acts;
    let them proclaim your power.
I will meditate on your majestic, glorious splendor
    and your wonderful miracles.
Your awe-inspiring deeds will be on every tongue;
    I will proclaim your greatness.
Everyone will share the story of your wonderful goodness;
    they will sing with joy about your righteousness.”

Psalm 145:1-7

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